how much do you love your chihuahua …enough to get medical care?

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how much do you love your chihuahua?

over the years, we’ve had many requests from chihuahua owners with sick chihuahuas looking for help. we always recommend that they immediately seek help from their local veterinarian. it’s also not a bad idea to look into some dog insurance quotes on chihuahua pet insurance.

as a pure breed, chihuahuas can be more susceptible to genetic health issues than mixed breed dogs. whether you just brought your chihuahua puppy home or have a full-grown adult chihuahua, each segment of your chihuahua’s life brings about new health risks.

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10 reasons why an obese chihuahua is a serious health concern

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is your chihuahua porky?

due to serious health concerns, this overweight chihuahua has to lose some weight!

10 reasons why why an obese chihuahua is a serious health concern

  1. shortens lifespan
  2. leads to diabetes
  3. requires a special diet
  4. causes joint injuries
  5. can trigger tracheal collapse
  6. causes lethargy
  7. diminishes stamina
  8. more at risk during surgery
  9. dimimishes immune sytem
  10. leads to digestive disorders

so the next time your porky little chihuahua comes to you begging for food, remember that you’re doing your chihuahua a favor by saying no.

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chihuahua bites his own genitals video: a rare chihuahua health problem

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as controversial as this chihuahua video might seem, coco is a chihuahua with a problem; his penis often protrudes, resulting in painful swelling. to make matters worse he bites his own genitals putting him at risk for penile amputation.

this is a real problem for some male chihuahuas. find out what might cause such an uncommon chihuahua health problem and what can happen if it’s not treated.

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long haired vs. short haired chihuahuas: which is right for you?

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teaka the famous chihuahua is a short-haired, smooth-coat chihuahua

There are two recognized chihuahua breeds according to akc chihuahua breed standards, long haired and short haired. Otherwise known as long coat and smooth coat chihuahua. Genetically they both are of the same breed, but the main difference is their coat. The long haired obviously has a longer coat of hair that is of a smooth silky like texture and sometimes fluffy looking. The short haired chihuahua commonly known as smooth coat, has a shorter coat of hair which is not that smooth. The hair is fine and needle like.

The coat of a long haired and smooth coat chihuahua is generally opposite of what they sound. This is a mistake most people make when choosing which chihuahua to take home. Long haired chihuahuas are smoother to touch and actually shed less hair than their shorter haired counterparts. They will need brushing, around yearly trimming and grooming, but surprisingly a short haired chihuahua will require more brushing and regular grooming.

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pet steps and ramps: prevent injury and joint pain in your chihuahua!

nadia chihuahua facts, chihuahua health concerns 1 Comment

joint problems in chihuahuas can range from minor pain and inflammation to more serious conditions such as hip dysplasia, arthritis and rheumatism. factors that can cause joint pain are injuries, aging issues, poor nutrition, a lack of exercise, obesity and genetics.

what are the signs of joint problems in your chihuahua?

the most obvious sign of joint problems is when they are having problems with daily activity. for example, they can’t get up on the couch, go up stairs, jump onto the bed and even get up on our laps. they will also tire faster on walks and play for shorter periods of time. they may also hold their limb up or funny while refusing to do activity.

awkward movements, stiffness, whimpering when getting up or standing, irritability, swelling or thickening of the joints and even refusing to be stroked or petted are also signs of joint problems. it’s not that they don’t love you, they are simply trying to tell you they are in pain. do not try to force them to participate in activity as it can worsen problem.

what can you do to prevent injury and help alleviate joint pain?

pet steps and ramps are the perfect solution for helping your chihuahua get up on to furniture, into bed and in your car. they will once again be able to reach their favorite places without jumping or with human assistance. they are a must for older or chihuahuas with disabilities.

pet steps are easy to travel with and prevent us from hurting our own backs when trying to pick up our chihuahuas. they come in many sizes, materials and fashions, some are heavy duty and others are lightweight.

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