meet closelie, a gorgeous long-haired chihuahua famous in queensland, australia!

nadia featured chihuahuas

long haired chihuahua smiling

“look mama, i’m famous!”

this little smiling cutie-patooty is closelie, ‘aka’ pepelopaz come closer.  isn’t she a doll?  closelie is a gorgeous long-haired chihuahua from beautiful queensland, australia, who lives with her mommy mandy scrivens, owner of doggie hair dooz, a successful grooming salon.

closelie enjoys going for runs on the beach, digging for pippies (clams) and chasing after seagulls.  she absolutely adores her “big brother” creazey, the handsome german shepherd you see in the picture below.  together, the two are the best of friends!  #bff

german shepherd and chihuahua

congratulations many, closelie is officially a fun, furry and fabulous famous chihuahua®

spring dog fashion trends

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