why do chihuahua puppies shiver?

nadia chihuahua health concerns, chihuahua Q and A 15 Comments

why do chihuahua puppies shiver?

teaka the famous chihuahua shivers when she feels stressed

chihuahuas shiver or tremble when they are excited, experiencing stress, frightened, uncertain or cold. shivering is characteristic of the chihuahua breed.

smaller chihuahua puppies usually have a higher metabolism and so they expend body heat faster than bigger dogs. shivering also helps to generate body heat, which is also explains why people shiver when they are cold.

it’s important to remember that if you live in a cold or wet climate, you need to protect your chihuahua when you take them outside. dress them in a sweater or chihuahua clothes to make sure they stay warm and if possible, avoid taking them out in the rain.

it is also helpful to nurture your chihuahua when they are shivering out of fear or stress. a familiar and calm voice will help to put them at ease.

at the same time you don’t want to run to them every time they shiver, rather only when it seems appropriate because you want to avoid them becoming accustomed to tending to them every time they shiver.

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call for help

nadia chihuahua health concerns 5 Comments

famous chihuahua would like to ask their readers to please comment if they have helpful advice on the comment made below at chihuahua health concerns – wheezing/seizure-like episodes

Tracy // Jun 13, 2008 at 2:49 pm

Someone please help!! I dont know whats wrong with my chi. she is just a baby and in the past week she has had a few weird episodes. Her limbs stiffen and she acts like she cant breathe. I took her to the vet and they said she might be hypoglycemic and to feed her every 3-4 hours. I have done this and it seemed to help but she had another today right after i fed her. I called the vet and told her, and she said shes probably having seizures and her prognosis didnt look bright. I am so very sad and i am searching for different oppinions so if anyone can help me please reply. She is sooo cute and seems completely normal besides these episodes.

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Wheezing/Seizure-Like Episodes

nadia chihuahua facts, chihuahua health concerns 85 Comments

What to do When Your Chihuahua has Wheezing/Seizure-Like Episodes

My husband and I have a chihuahua named Bugsy. We found your web site while trying to find health information. We absolutely love it. Do you have any information about wheezing and their seizure-like episodes. Ours sometimes acts like he can’t catch his breath…Read More

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Drooping Ears

nadia chihuahua facts, chihuahua health concerns 3 Comments

What to Do When Your Chihuahua has Drooping Ears

I have a 4 month old baby chihuahua.When she was 3 months old her ears stood erect, now only 1 ear is standing and the other droops. She was never injured so whyis this happening and do I need to tape her ear or will it correct itself?Read More

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