why chihuahuas snore

Why Does My Chihuahua Snore? When Should I Be Concerned?

Why chihuahuas snore can be a mystery for some chihuahua owners, but snoring is actually a common occurrence in chihuahuas and in most cases has nothing to do with a collapsed trachea. It is usually attributed to their short muzzle and sometimes it is loud enough to wake the house up. It can be incredibly funny when you have visitors as no one can believe that such a tiny dog can make so much noise.

It is normal for Chihuahuas to snore while they sleep. Snoring in chihuahuas can be caused by a number of factors. This can include their sleeping position and their short snouts, which make them more prone to airway obstruction.

Many new chihuahua owners are amazed the first time they hear the sounds of their chihuahua enjoying a deep, luxurious sleep. No need to panic, it’s perfectly normal and characteristic of the chihuahua dog breed. In fact, chihuahuas also make snorting and grunting noises when they are playing or just investigating a new smell. This is also perfectly normal. Snoring is simply something chihuahuas do when they are relaxed and comfortable.

When Should I Be Concerned About My Chihuahua Snoring?

While snoring is generally harmless, if you notice any signs of distress, difficulty breathing, or if the snoring suddenly worsens, it is be a good idea to consult a veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues.

It’s not always easy to know why chihuahuas snore, but one cause for concern is if the snoring is new. This sudden change is worth investigating. Take note if the snoring is accompanied by nasal discharge, sneezing, or changes in energy level.

While snoring is quite normal for brachycephalic dog breeds, if it happens all the time (including when your chihuahua is awake), this could be affecting your chihuahua’s ability to breathe comfortably and puts your chihauhua at risk for respiratory failure, especially during times of stress or in warm weather.

If required, surgery to remove the extra tissues obstructing the airway can greatly improve your chihuahua’s breathing. A long soft palate, abnormal laryngeal tissue, foreign bodies, or tumors in the airways are surgically removed, thereby improving the flow of air through the airways. Diagnostic tests such as X-rays, CT scans, and endoscopy help to determine the actual cause of the snoring.

If the snoring however is caused by allergies or infections, treating the underlying cause of the inflammation will improve the snoring. Further, reducing any excessive weight will help alleviate extra pressure around the neck and help stop the snoring also.

Chihuahua Snoring Video – How can something so small snore so loud?”

Cheap chihuahua dog clothes on sale

References: petmd.com/dog/general-health/snoring-in-dogs


30 Comments. Leave new

  • I just watched the video after googling if it’s normal for chi’s to snore… I’m a new dog owner first ever in my 55 yrs and she is my therapy for real! Ihad London Paris Millan for 2 years & she is my 💗very spoiled, ornery , bossy & funny as hell!! I found that she does communicate with me by snorting or grunting when she wants something😊

  • My chihuahua is a lot louder than this 🤣

  • Haha! Looked this up while my chi was snoring on the sofa next to me. I watched the video, and the audio came through a speaker. Really freaked my little Pinto out! She stopped snoring, but went right back to sleep when audio was off.

  • David Farrell
    June 9, 2021 7:15 am

    My Chihuahua is the same. Point the phone in his direction for a snap shot and he turns away as if by magic but boy, he can snore some.

  • I looked this up because my chihuahuas snore all the time……and if I do anything in an attempt to film/record it.. they wake up. I was curious if anyone had footage lol. I have a bro/sis chihuahua duo. The male snores up a storm and the female has the greatest smile I have seen on any dog EVER… they don’t perform for cameras. They seem to know shit, I pull out my phone and they turn all charm off completely. Then again I do something similar

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