adopt a chihuahua at a chihuahua rescue organization or puppy mill!

united states
az chihuahua rescue – arizona
chihuahua rescue florida – florida
ay chihuahua rescue – texas
yankee chihuahua rescue – new england
chihuahua and small dog rescue – colorado
three sisters pet rescue – ohio
national mill dog rescue – rescuing and rehabilitating dogs that have been abandoned by commercial breeders. based in peyton, colorado, but are open to adopters nationwide. click here to see their available chihuahuas up for adoption.
petfinder pet adoption – search nationwide
canadian chihuahua rescue and transport – volunteers working together to rescue, foster and provide necessary veterinary care for homeless, abandoned and neglected Chihuahuas across Canada. headquarters based in toronto, ontario. click here to check out their happy endings page of all chihuahuas that have been adopted!
bc chihuahua rescue – british columbia, Vancouver Island and Washington State
to submit a chihuahua rescue organization email us