emma the chihuahua

donate to help save baby emma the chihuahua!
make your pledge here
baby emma’s story makes fox 25 news!
baby emma 5 weeks old
baby emma, 2 weeks old
emma had her first surgery, to no avail, at 2 days old to repair a cleft palate and cleft lip. she fought with adjustments to the surgery for the following week, leading to an additional 3 procedures, due to sutures ripping out.
at 12 days old, she has such drive! orphaned and being hand raised by her foster mom, emma is at the start of a long journey, one that we pray will be successful.
funds are exhausted. she needs a more advanced procedure in order to make this work for her. she cannot continue to be sewn up – split – sewn up again. there is almost nothing left of her little face to sew!
we are asking for ideas, for input from veterinarians in order to be able to assure that we can provide the care and treatment that this little chihuahua needs.
we just need some assistance in saving this little girl’s life. please help!
little emma is SO STRONG and she is a fighter. she has such a sweet spirit and NEEDS help to overcome her deformities and thrive!
god has blessed this tiny angel with the will to live and the strength to endure and now, she looks upon us to help save her!
this is emma’s story….. please help
orphan newborn chihuahua with cleft palate and lip undergoes surgery at 2 days old
dena lamkin
oklahoma city, ok
meet emma LIVE!
donations towards the care and treatment of baby emma are being accepted via pay pal to [email protected]