submit a picture and story of your chihuahua and we will make your chihuahua famous for a day!

famous chihuahua believes that all chihuahuas should be famous, so we are inviting chihuahua owners from around the world to submit their chihuahua pictures.

to submit your chihuahua pictures please fill out the form below

tell us what you think makes your chihuahua so lovable, special and unique! if your chihuahua loves to wear chihuahua clothes and accessories, please tell us about their wardrobe as well and what clothing item they look the most adorable in!

we ask that you please include the following information:

please note, when submitting pictures, you will have to copy the url image location to the content box. example:

famous chihuahua encourages chihuahua owners to share their chihuahua pictures with the world at the famous chihuahua facebook fan page as well. it is a place for chihuahua lovers to unite and has fast become the most popular chihuahua community on facebook. don’t waste another minute, like the famous chihuahua facebook fan page today!

follow famous chihuahua on twitter and follow teaka the famous chihuahua on youtube!
