nadia alterio, the founder and editor in chief of the famous chihuahua® legacy
who am i? it’s simple, a smart woman who loved her chihuahua, teaka the famous chihuahua.
teaka was the embodiment of what all dog lovers share in a relationship with their pet, a source of unconditional love, happiness and a little companion that will always make you smile. every chihuahua offers the kind of love, innocence and acceptance that in many cases only people with pets will experience.
chihuahuas are the smallest of the dog breed and within these precious little creatures lies the biggest hearts known to mankind. it is with gratitude that i do what i can through the influence of famous chihuahua® to honor what chihuahuas represent worldwide.
over the years i have received thousands of emails. i want to thank everyone who submits their chihuahua and stories. it is not only a privilege, but a source of great joy to be able to share in the happiness of others by featuring their chihuahuas. every chihuahua is unique and special in their own way.
nadia alterio
founder, editor-in chief of
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