6 Health issues EVERY chihuahua owner needs to pay attention to!

nadia chihuahua health concerns

health indications in Chihuahuas you should pay attention to

Unsurprisingly, being one the smallest purebred dogs, figuring out Chihuahuas isn’t an easy job. They have personalities; but sometimes, their unorthodox traits (that are positive in nature) get mingled with their unusual traits, and that’s when alarm bells start ringing. So, in the wake of that realization, we’re here to make the process of ‘figuring out’ a Chihuahua a little easier for you.

Here’s a list of 6 health issues in Chihuahuas you should pay attention to:


Celebrities around the world carry Chihuahuas as a part of their fashion statement. This chiefly is owing to their small size and adorable appearance. But, it is important to remember they are but dogs and dogs need to roam about freely no matter how fragile they are. Stagnation can be very problematic for Chihuahuas which can cause various health problems.

They need to play a game of tug or with toys or such other things as they are very agile. Moreover, their energies need to be channelized. Being sedentary makes them feel very gloomy, grumpy and old! Pet owners need to take care they have enough movement and look for the fact that the dog is happy.

Luxating Patella

The Chihuahua owners should keep in mind that these fragile, little dogs have very fragile legs. They need to be very carefully handled as a simple jump from a sofa or the owner’s arms, owing to its mischievous nature, might cause their bones to break or cause a luxating patella.

A luxating patella in a chihuahua occurs when the patella of the dog, which is normally positioned on the thigh bone groove, slips out of the synchronized arrangement. In such cases, you have to take serious note, as such chihuahua health ailments might affect your dog severely. It can occur in one or both hind limbs. In a breed like Chihuahuas, this de-synchronization occurs in a medial way or in a direction going to the interior of the affected limb.

Before you start delving deeper into diseases, it’s important to take note of a few points regarding how pet insurance works. In fact, pet insurance functions more in a way like property insurance than health insurance. So, the policyholder has to directly pay for the healthcare of the pet and only then get reimbursed by the insurance-providing firm.

It is very important to note these insurances never cover already existing diseases or abnormalities. It is financially beneficial when some serious accident or sudden illness occurs that have the ability to bring home very high bills from the vet.

Abnormalities in defecation

This is the hardest part! Agile as they are, defecation training to Chihuahuas becomes very difficult. They do not have a will to defecate almost always but the pet owners must keep in mind they are tiny beings with tiny digestive systems. It is natural they cannot hold on for long intervals.

So, if the owner cannot always cater to its needs, it should at least be trained on how to visit a litter box. This is a feasible measure making both contended. Asking it to hold for long forcefully might cause more serious troubles, adding on to more vet expenditure.

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The dangers of gum disease in Chihuahuas: What you need to know!

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healthy chihuahua teeth

chihuahua with strong and healthy teeth – model: bella the famous chihuahua

when gum disease starts, it’s usually goes unnoticed because there are no outward signs and symptoms.  however, once it begins to accelerate in growth, it can damage your chihuahua’s mouth resulting in eroded gums, teeth falling out, bone loss, internal pain, suffering and even death.

the good news is that gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, can be prevented.

why do chihuahuas get gum disease

after your chihuahua eats, bacteria mixed with saliva and food begins to create an unpleasant film over the teeth called plaque that’s recognized as foreign matter to the immune system.  this foreign matter triggers the immune system to react and it begins to assemble white blood cells to attack the foreign matter.

enzymes then released by the white blood cells fight to break down gum tissue resulting in inflamed gums, damaged tissue and bone loss.  in chihuahuas, it eventually leads to tooth loss if proper dental care is neglected.

because chihuahuas have a more alkaline environment in their mouths that propels plaque formation than humans do, they are five times more likely to get periodontal disease.

chihuahua back molars gum disease

brushing the hidden back molars of your chihuahua’s teeth should not be overlooked

plaque-forming bacteria also multiplies if your chihuahua’s teeth are not brushed every day, which also includes lifting their lips and thoroughly cleaning their hidden and hard to get at back molars.

the dangers of gum disease in chihuahuas

if plaque and mineral deposits (dental calculus) on your chihuahua’s teeth is not cleaned with regular brushing and routine veterinary dental care, it will result in halitosis (bad breath), gingivitis (painful inflammation of the gums), tooth loss and full on periodontal disease.

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prevent your chihuahua from overheating with these summer safety tips!

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chihuahua drinking water

it’s summer and the heat has arrived!  chihuahuas are small animals that love the sunshine and come from a hot environment, but they’re still prone to overheating and temperature sensitivity.  here are some tips for keeping your chihuahua cool during these seriously hot summer days!

vehicles.  many chihuahua owners take their dogs everywhere.  if you do this, make sure your dog can go with you wherever you take her.  in the summer heat, a chihuahua (as well as children and other animals) can develop health problems in a matter of minutes.

water.  always bring water with you and a way for your chihuahua to drink it.  try teaching your dog how to drink from a bottle of water.  you can also purchase a collapsible water bowl.

panting.  when dogs are hot, they pant.  if your chihuahua is panting excessively with labored breath, she could be in trouble.  get her into a cooler environment and offer her water immediately.  foam at the mouth is another indication that it’s just too hot for your dog.

exercise.  it’s easy to exercise chihuahuas indoors, and this may be something to consider on hot days.  when heat warnings are in effect, you and your dog should spend most time indoors.  try a light game of fetch inside with your chihuahua’s favorite toy.


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Berkey water for your chihuahua!

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teacup chihuahua drinking water

We are all aware that water is beneficial to our bodies and that we require clean, safe water to stay healthy and hydrated. But did you know that Chihuahuas, too, require clean water? They do, in fact, require it. They will be less likely to contract waterborne illnesses, if they drink clean water. Not only that, but they will be much more active. After all, a happy pet means a happy life. So, you should do everything you can to ensure that your Chihuahua has access to clean water.

There are a plethora of water filtration systems on the market today. However, it is critical to select the filtering system that will best meet your Chihuahua’s water needs. Continue reading to learn more about one of the best filtering systems, which I am confident will keep your Chihuahua’s water clean and safe. But first, let’s take a look at why filtered water is beneficial to your Chihuahua.

Why is a Water Filter Good for Your Chihuahua?

It’s important to remember that polluted water contains contaminants like microbes, lead, and other chemicals. They can, unfortunately, cause serious health problems not only for you, but also for your Chihuahua. As a result, you should provide them with high-quality water on a daily basis. It will improve their overall health as well as their immunity. The following are 3 ways that filtered water benefits a Chihuahua:

Reduces Chlorine Levels

There are numerous advantages to using filtered water, one of which is that it minimizes the level of chlorine. Tap water contaminated with chlorine can do serious damage to your Chihuahua’s cells. Furthermore, it can cause breathing difficulties, excessive coughing, and other serious symptoms.

What’s worse, Chihuahuas are even more sensitive to the negative effects of chlorine. This is due to the fact that their digestive systems are not designed or strong enough to withstand it. As a result, it is only logical that you purchase a water filtration system, such as a Berkey water filtration system, that will remove this contaminant from the water they drink.

Improves Tear Staining

Filtered water has a number of benefits for Chihuahuas, one of which is that it reduces tear staining. Tear stains are minute dark imprints that appear below the eyes of a Chihuahua and are most visible in light-colored dogs.

They are caused by a poor diet as well as toxins in tap water. The size of the tear stain indicates the amount of toxins consumed via their diet and unfiltered water. Thankfully, the use of a water filtration system can significantly improve this. Providing filtered water to your Chihuahua will not only reduce their tear stains, but also it will indicate that their bodies are healthy and free of water contaminants.

Keeps Them Hydrated

Chihuahua’s, similar to humans, are primarily made up of water. As a result, we all require water to stay hydrated and cool off. When they drink water that is tasty, they are more likely to drink lots of it. An increase in water intake means they are less likely to become dehydrated, especially on a hot summer day. Filtered water will also aid in the prevention of urinary tract infections in your Chihuahua. Even if they get sick, drinking clean water will help them recover much faster.

What Water Filter Should I Get for My Chihuahua?

A Berkey water filter system is one of the best filters around. With this water filter system, contaminants are filtered out rather than using chemicals to clean your water. If you want your Chihuahua to drink chemical-free water, Berkey’s filtering system is the best option. Berkey Systems eliminates a wide range of microorganisms, including viruses and bacteria. At the same time, it ensures that beneficial minerals like potassium and magnesium remain in your water. Best of all, the Berkey filter system has a lower cost per gallon than most filters.

Will My Chihuahua Notice a Taste Change?

Berkey’s water filtration system will enhance the taste of your water, which means your Chihuahua will want to consume more of it. This will keep them hydrated and active. They, like you, should drink clean, filtered water. Trust me, they will show their appreciation by wagging their tails or lavishing you with kisses. Besides, you want a pet that is both happy and healthy.


The advantages of filtered water supersede any extra expenses. Investing in a filter will help you care for and even improve the health of your Chihuahua. This will reduce their chances of dying prematurely. So, for the sake of your Chihuahua, invest in a Berkey water filtration system today.

Author Bio:

Nichelle Lucero is a lifestyle writer. She loves sharing her ideas and personal experiences related to through her writing. She currently writes for her personal blog – Lifewithkrich.com. Her favorite pastime is working out and reading books together with her cats, Chloe, Milo and Nocco.

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dental treats for bad dog breath in your chihuahua

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does your chihuahua have bad breath or tartar buildup?  teaka the famous chihuahua used to love to chew her dental treats. aside from regular brushing, dental treats help clean her back molars so her kisses are always fresh!

dental breath treats will help to strengthen the digestion process and support periodontal health.  here’s what to look for when buying them:

useful ingredients in dental treats

  • dog dental treats made with parsley seed oil helps minimize bad breath
  • treats that contain chlorophyllins, a semi-synthetic, water-soluble form of the plant pigment chlorophyll, work on your chihuahua’s digestive system to neutralize mouth odors
  • pumice in treats helps to reduce the plaque that builds on teeth – a culprit of stinky breath
  • anise is another ingredient that has refreshing qualities for your chihuahua’s breath

products that fight strong bad breath

  • dog breath treats that come with antibacterial and anti-plaque properties powerfully target the source of bad breath
  • refreshing dental rinses made with yucca extracts and mint oils help lessen digestive-tract odors. pour an ounce or two in your dog’s water bowl to freshen his mouth
  • specially formulated chews with bacteria-fighting ingredients and prebiotic elements work overtime. they help zap odorous plaque, while supporting the healthy bacteria in your chihuahua’s stomach

benefits of natural breath remedies

natural supplements and freshening drops are available for controlling your chihuahua’s bad breath:

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wondering if cbd oil will treat pain in your chihuahua? this study proves it!

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cbd oil chihuahua pain

cbd oil for pain in chihuahua dogs

as published in the journal of the american holistic veterinary medical association, the objective of the 90-day clinical trial was to assess the impact of a full-spectrum hemp oil infused with hemp seed oil on dogs with chronic mal-adaptive pain. here are some of the documented benefits:

over 93% of the dogs in the study demonstrated benefits from the addition of hemp-derived cbd oil:

  • decreased pain scores
  • improvements in mobility
  • improved quality of life

several dog owners reported their dogs were more attentive, animated, and mentally engaged after starting the CBD oil.  94% of the owners indicated they felt their dogs’ quality of life had improved after starting the CBD product.  click here to read the entire study




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