tips to keep your chihuahua safe, happy and healthy this halloween!

nadia chihuahua costumes, chihuahua health concerns, halloween 3 Comments

cute chihuahua cow

halloween is fast approaching and famous chihuahua® would like to ensure chihuahua owners keep their chihuahuas safe, happy and healthy by asking them to follow these simple safety tips:

select costumes carefully
if you dress up your chihuahua up for halloween, choose a costume that doesn’t limit their movement, hearing, sight or ability to breath or bark. check for any choking hazards also.

skip the sweets
avoid feeding your chihuahua halloween candy. many treats can be toxic to your chihuahua’s health and those that contain the artificial sweetener xylitol can be poisonous. even small amounts can cause a drop in blood sugar and result in seizures. also avoid feeding them chocolate. dark chocolate and bakers chocolate can be especially dangerous.

throw away candy wrappers
ingesting aluminum or cellophane can cause intestinal blockage and induce vomiting. throw those candy wrappers in the garbage to avoid them becoming a play toy for your pet.

keep your chihuahua in another room during the trick-or-treating rush
halloween can bring many unexpected visitors to the door all at once. this can make your chihuahua nervous and likely to flee when the door opens. if they accidentally get loose, make sure your chihuahua is wearing an id tag.

avoid potentially harmful decorations
candles in jack-o-lanterns are easily knocked over. avoid using them as this can result in a fire and burns to your chihuahua. also, take preventative care with open wires, cords and potentially harmful products your chihuahua may try to ingest. do your best to keep them out of harms way.

playing it safe isn’t tricky, just play it smart!

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Why do Chihuahuas shiver or shake?

nadia chihuahua health concerns, chihuahua pictures

Chihuahuas are known to shiver or shake.  Shaking is so common in chihuahuas, that often people take it as a chihuahua breed characteristic.  Sometimes the shaking, shivering or trembling make owners so worried, they think there is something wrong with their chihuahua.  However, there’s nothing to be worried about.  It’s actually a common behavior in chihuahuas.  Not all Chihuahuas shake, but there are reasons for the ones that do.  Check out the video for what they might be!

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