chihuahua gettingiv

chihuahua dies from a sudden and questionable death, can you help?

veterinarian treats chihuahua with intravenous therapy

dear famous chihuahua®,

my name is phillip and i am just trying to find some answers. our 1 1/2 year old chihuahua suddenly got lethargic and this worried me enough to take her to the vet. on my way there she started salivating severely. the vet put my sick chihuahua on an intravenous, but a total of 5 hours passed from the first symptom and she then died.

it appeared to be congestive heart failure to the vet. he sent samples to the university of auburn to confirm his diagnosis… does anyone know what might have happened to my chihuahua?

thank you for any help or suggestions you can provide.
related: chihuahua health problems

photo from olathe animal hospital in olathe, kansas


75 Comments. Leave new

  • Poco’s mom
    March 9, 2023 5:13 am

    I just lost my 10 year old chihuahua last night. He had one episode of gasping air while he was asleep last month and almost died but made it took him to the vet and was diagnosed with heart murmur and started on meds . He was fine after that and yesterday he played and ate fine . He always sleep with me in bed . Before we went to sleep , he jumped on my chest same as every night put his face on my face kissed him and told him how much I loved him and then saw him sleeping then I heard him gasping for air and lost his pulse I tried cpr him but no success . I love him so much he means the world to me I can’t stop crying I want him back I miss my Poco so much

  • My 1 year old Bella Ari was playing all day and seemed fine. I left home and came back- shocked in disbelief she was laid out passed away. I have a 16 year old Morkie that is in excellent health. Bella was the cutest 4 lb Chihuahua that was very affectionate.

  • i lost my Bella Marie 4/20 and I was and am still completely devastated. My boyfriend saw her the morning of and said she ran up to him like always and looked completely fine. We both went to work and after work we were getting prepared to take her to the dog wash. My boyfriend went to go get her to get her ready and he found her unresponsive. That day shook my entire life and I am missing her terribly. I pray for each and every person going through this right now

  • Doris Marie Young
    January 4, 2022 7:41 pm

    Hi On October 24th 2021 my 5 year old Chihuahua named Kitchi was fine, he was always healthy, right weight as the vet often told me after examinations, they told me that what ever I was doing to keep doing it. He was fine all that day until evening when he started taking seizures. I called 2 vet clinics and only got voicemail so left a message of what was happening and a number to call me. Needless to say, they never did. For 30 long hours I was with him as I watched him go from not being able to stand on his four legs, heavy breathing, till he lost his vision and couldn’t see. Panting with tongue hanging to left side and shaking uncontrollably. On October 25th 12:30 am my baby drew his last breath and laid lifeless in my arms as I sobbed and screaming NOOOOOOOO Kitchi don’t leave mommy, come back to me, but to no prevail. To this day I still don’t know what happened and for Goodness sakes why the Vet hospital and clinics never called me back , not even to this day. My world was turned upside down and my heart broken in pieces. I have been blessed with another dog , female 1 year old, part Lab & Pitbull and she’s so beautiful and loved, Kitchi would have loved her, Miss him so much everyday, he was my Baby, my everything and now he’s gone :'(

  • I am so devastated. I left the house to run some errands and my little Poco was fine. I came back 2 hours later and he was laying on the bed non-responsive. He was 18 months old and a 3lb CHI. I rushed him to the vet they tried to do CPR and gave him meds to try and start his heart. He was gone. The vet didn’t see any trauma and no idea what happened, maybe some toxin or internal bleeding. I have no idea what happened he had regular bowel movements and was peeing normally, he hadn’t been eating a lot and was more lethargic recently. I loved him so much, he was my little buddy. I am absolutely crushed right now. I wish he had shown more signs that something was wrong. I only hope that his final moments were peaceful.

  • I am so devastated. I left the house to run some errands and my little Poco was fine. I came back 2 hours later and he was laying on the bed non-responsive. He was 18 months old and a 3lb CHI. I rushed him to the vet they tried to do CPR and gave him meds to try and start his heart. He was gone. The vet didn’t see any trauma and no idea what happened, maybe some toxin or internal bleeding. I have no idea what happened he had regular bowel movements and was peeing normally, he hadn’t been eating a lot and was more lethargic recently. I loved him so much, he was my little buddy. I am absolutely crushed right now.

  • My 2 year old chihauhau died suddenly last night. She was still active earlier. She slept a lot and didn’t want to eat the last week. We are devastated and ask why. She was the most beautiful girl loving companion. Crying

  • yesterday my almost 8 year old chihuahua sophie passed away suddenly 😔💔 my mother and i found her curled up in her blanket where she always is, just gone …. we have no idea what happened. she was completely fine yesterday morning, and the night before. she was literally my best friend and the best dog i could have ever asked for. there are no words to describe the pain that i am in right now.

  • My dog Cheeco died Friday he was fine Thursday took him got bath anal glands cleaned and toenail clipped then Friday morning started gagging and vomiting took him to get couple hours later he was dead don’t understand what happened he wasn’t acting sick full of life my heart is breaking

  • My daughter’s boyfriend had a chihuahua for 7 years before he brought her into our lives. Tinnie was her name.❤ We had her for about a year with no signs or symptoms. Good, healthy, lovable little baby. Last night out of nowhere she started having trouble breathing. She was fine and barking earlier in the day, I thought maybe it was just the heat. Later on that night her breathing got worse. We took her to the Vet where he told us she was having heart failure. I don’t understand, one minute she was fine and laying with me and the next she is gone. Just gone.💔 I only had her for a short period of time but man how I fell in love with her. I’m so sorry this happened to you baby, I wish there was something I could’ve done to save you.😔 I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! RIP Tinnie Hoge I will never forget you.🐶❤

  • i lost my 8 year old baby (Rajij) yesterday – came home from work expecting to see him waiting for me at the window as he always did but he wasn’t there, i started looking for him and found his rigid body under my bed … words cannot express the loss i feel … i cannot fathom the thought of him dying on his own and not hearing my voice or feel my presence near him as he took his last breath …the only comfort i feel is that my last words to him as i left for work that morning were “mommy loves you so much”

  • Isabella Dubuque
    April 11, 2020 4:32 am

    I’m devastated . My two and a half year old chihuahua died suddenly yesterday at vets. No signs of any health issues. He was tiny only two pounds. He was not acting right so I rushed him to vet. They admitted him . Labwork only showed elevated white blood cell count. He died without me at 330am. I’m devastated.

  • Hi everybody. I feel your great pain. My 14-year old female Chi Daisy died suddenly last Tuesday night. She was fine all day. She ate well and had a walk in the morning and another in the evening. I just do not understand why she died. She was a bit overweight and had shortness of breath while walking. She was the sweetest creature I ever knew. She helped me go through some tough times. I am now lost without her.

  • My lil one just passed unexpectedly after sharing my life for only 10 years and half. She was my world and there are no words to express how much I miss her. She was a 2lb little angel. She developed inflammatory bowel disease at the age of 8. She had a murmure in her heart that only required Pimobendon starting at 8 years old too. She was then on Cerenia, Tylan and Pimobandon for two years until she developed trachea collapse. I started Tissigon and 4 days later she passed away 3 hours after she started breathing heavy. I took her to the emergency hospital and they told me it was heart failure. They said that she would make it that night but that her life expectancy would be 6 months to a year after that. I can’t comprehend how a set of X-rays one day shows a big heart but no worries to 5 days later: she is dying?
    I am so so hurt. I thought she would live to be 18. I took care of her and bought her the best food all organic exotic meat with veggies and herbs from this natural food kitchen local store. She was getting acupuncture and dental every month. I walked her everyday and fed her 4 times a day. She was never overweight. Most of all I loved her with ALL my heart and I never went anywhere without her.
    I know that Hod works mysterious ways but this is so hard. She really was my heart and I will miss her to eternity. I thank God for her and all she taught me and she gave me. But it’s so hard. They say time heals all wounds but time doesn’t bring her back. I had so much more to share with her. God I miss my baby.

  • I listed my poppy Monday he stared hving seizures Sunday night and I was going to take him to a vet but by Monday morning he was gone.I did hv him over 10 years I miss him so much.I don.t know what happen to him.

  • We lost our Baby Tanner 7yrs old on may 11 he was fine that Wednesday and Friday night he was gone . I miss him so much it hurts. I wish I knew why.

  • Melinda Holland
    April 23, 2018 9:19 am

    I lost my precious Emmett yesterday, I am lost and heartbroken he was my best friend. No signs the night before anything was wrong. I miss him so much.

  • To everyone who has lost a Chihuahua my heart goes out to you. I lost my 5 year old female, last week and I’m Devastated. My little girl was my world she went everywhere with my wife and I along with her little sister Bre. Since Jan 2018 she was starting to breath rather heavy. I followed up with my local vet. We had every test known to man. Treated her with med for lung worm, also a Steroid prednisone. Still no Relief from the heavy breathing. We had to bring Bella to a emergency vet hospital. Where the put a bronchial scope into her lungs. That test was 1,200.00 dollars. They found that her lungs where inflamed . We brought her home that night and she was kind of back to her old self but still kind of breathing heavy. 2 days had passed and I came home to find her Laboring to breath. We rushed her back to the hospital. They had to put her into a oxygen chamber. They also gave her more Prednisones, Lasix and anabiotic. Neither of this work. Bella was there for two days. They even threw a Viagra at her to see if this was heart related and still she was laboring to breathe outside the oxygen chamber. To the point her gums and tongue turn blue. And we had no choice but to euthanize my little girl. There is this huge void in my life right now. Not having the answers to what caused her respiratory system to fail . The costs of these animal hospitals is insane $3000 was my bill in the end. Leaving the hospital with a broken heart empty handed.

  • My little 2 year old Casey went to bed fine ,during the night he started stirring around and making moaning sounds. I got up in the middle of the night and he looked out of it.
    I took him to emergency and they suspected Addison disease and put him on iv. He never recovered and passed. No explanation at all. He was the sweetest little dog, it’s so hard not knowing.

  • I am having a hard time with the passing of Samyrah (6 y.o) from a heart murmur that went from Doctor saying it wasn’t something to worry about – 3 months later she died in my arms. I just kept reassuring her that she could go to doggie Heaven and we would see her soon. It was the worse thing I had ever experienced and all I could do at that point was rub her head and belly, tell her how much I would miss her (we had her for all 6 years) and we so miss her every moment of everyday.

  • Hi my name is misty and I just lost my 4 month old chihuahua. My husband and I came home and she was crying and shaking so we wrapped her in a blanket. We woke up the next morning she wasn’t doing any better and her symptoms gotten worse by diarrhea, vomiting and fatigue. So we took her to the vet and they told us her body heat was real low to put her on a heating pad and raise her body heat. We did but her diarrhea got worse drinking water like crazy. Then 9 hours later my husband checks on her she was not breathing or moving she had died. So we had to break the news to my 9 year old son his puppy passed away and we don’t know how or what way and now were puzzled with no answers.


  • My 13 month old female chiwawa she became sick two weeks ago and about 4 days ago she stopped eating became larthargic wasn’t responding took her to the vet they prescribed me medicine and she wasn’t getting better she started having shallow breathing so I took her to another vet and they ran blood test and she was diagnosed with ADDISON DESEASE am beyond devastated she’s my baby she my ears because am hearing impaired I love her so much so this morning I got a call from Dr she came down with pneumonia my heart is heavy rt now because am running out of money I have already spent 2300 on having her hospitalized and they need to continue to keep her there for few more days but money tight for me rt now and the dr told me they need to send her home if I can’t pay or put her down which breaks my heart I feel like I have my hands tied where I can’t help her get better I would do anything for but am runny no out of options where do I turn from here…:(

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