a message from tequila to his wonderful mommy and daddy, felicity and wally hubbard
“to have loved me and then said farewell, is better than to have never loved me at all. for all of the times that you have stooped and patted my head, fed me my favorite treat and returned the love that i so unconditionally gave to you. for all the care that you gave to me so unselfishly. for all of these things, i am so grateful and thankful.
i ask you mommy and daddy that you not grieve for my loss, but rejoice in the fact that you found me, loved me and we touched each others lives. my life was fuller and happier because you were in it, not as my masters, but as my guiding life companions. i will love and cherish you forever! you were the best puppy parents a chihuahua could ever ask for!”
sincerely, your sweet tequila …xoxo
“god bless your precious little heart tequila, you are a sweet memory forever ingrained in my life.”
~ love from your first mama, nadia alterio, the editor and founder of famouschihuahua.com
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my heart is broken, so sorry for your loss.