
actor mickey rourke loves his chihuahuas

mickey rourke on the red carpet with his chihuahua loki at the venice film festival
actor mickey rourke walks the red carpet with his chihuahua loki

actor mickey rourke recently won a golden globe award for his highly acclaimed role in the film the wrestler. in his acceptance speech for the well-deserved award for best actor in a motion picture drama, he thanked his dogs first and foremost for their continued support and life companionship.

“i’d like to thank all my dogs. the ones that are here, the ones that aren’t here anymore because sometimes when a man’s alone, that’s all you got is your dog. and they’ve meant the world to me,” said mickey rourke.

mickey’s speech is to be commended. he reminded us that our pets are our companions and best friends in both good times and bad. no matter what, our pets will always provide us with unconditional love so it only makes sense that he would thank his dogs for this.

“she’s like a giant xanax, you know? i’m not going to get religious on your ass, but i truly believe god created dogs for a cause. they are the greatest companions a man could ever have,” says mickey about his 16 year-old chihuahua-terrier mix loki.

mickey and his chihuahua jaws join peta to campaign against animal overpopulation
mickey and jaws campaign against animal overpopulation

mickey and his other chihuahua jaws also star in peta’s latest abc ad that promotes the spaying and neutering of pets. in the ad mickey urges people to, and we quote, ” … have the cojones to fix your dog. when dogs get knocked up, puppies get put down because there aren’t enough homes for them.”

peta’s campaign is aimed at knocking out animal overpopulation. every year, millions of unwanted dogs and cats are left at extremely crowded animal shelters, where most are put to death.

less fortunate unwanted animals are abandoned on the streets to fend for themselves and often become victims of traffic, disease, starvation, and extreme weather. some are stolen by laboratory dealers or used as bait by dog fighters. two simple surgeries—spaying and neutering—are the solution.

you too can help support peta’s work to improve the lives of dogs, cats, and all animals who are suffering from cruelty and neglect by signing peta’s pledge to end animal homelessness

in loving memory of mickey rourke’s chihuahua loki

the official website of mickey rourke


6 Comments. Leave new

  • I totally agree that when you take on the responsibility of a dog, it should be for a lifetime. I too love my chihuahua 🙂 she is the best in my book 🙂

  • in response to PETA”S Interview with Mickey (video youtube) :
    I don’t believe in the concept of hell, but if I did I would think of it as filled with people who were cruel to animals.
    Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.
    “Once it happened: Pythagoras saw somebody hitting a dog. He said, “Do not hit him!” to the man who was beating the dog. “It is the soul of a friend of mine. I recognized it when I heard it cry out.” OSHO

    Love to ALL BEINGS , Kath Bodhisattva

  • What a great person, I love my chihuahuas Krystee and Katie. Rich

  • I have a chihuahua her name is Angel, she’s my precious gift from god x

  • Sadly, I just heard Loki passed away today at the age of 18.

  • What a fantastic guy and true chihuahua lover!

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