nadia treatment

Please help Nadia keep Famous Chihuahua online! This remarkable woman’s incredible story and drive will inspire you!

We ask that you please watch the video first as it spotlights some of the most adorable chihuahuas Nadia has ever featured at Famous Chihuahua and highlights some of the most remarkable moments of Nadia’s life!

“Nadia’s life’s journey will inspire and encourage you!”

Despite Nadia’s many past accomplishments, this remarkable woman has only begun to leave her mark of change in the world.  As she reaches high with God’s strength after battling Lyme disease and surviving a devastating car accident, we will continue to be inspired by her unfolding journey

The first thing that stood out when I met Nadia was her indomitable spirit, her incredible zest for life, her sharp and always expanding mind and her passion for Famous Chihuahua.  Having battled Lyme disease myself, I knew the difficult road Nadia had faced, but could sense that she would be one of those who leans in and presses forward even when things got unbearable.

Lyme disease impacts everyone differently and for Nadia it left her bedridden with a myriad of internal issues that come with the onset of an autoimmune disease.  Recovery was slow and a timely process, but with faith and a strong support system, it became a reality.

Then came the devastating car accident in November of 2019, where Nadia was hit head on by another driver.  This resulted in what turned out to be serious injury and nerve damage to the left side of her body that has no specific end date to her suffering.  It will be a long road to healing, requiring an uncommon internal steel.

I have been so inspired by the passion with which Nadia engages in everything she cares about.  Like home schooling her 6 year old son, discerning the treatments her body is able to handle and respond to and growing spiritually and emotionally, even while her body stops her from doing so much of what she loves.

Her courage and relentless commitment to becoming stronger despite the difficulties is amazing to watch.  Nadia’s unwavering faith and the light she carries touches people wherever she goes and they know she genuinely cares about them and wants to use what God has given her to help others.

Nonetheless, with her injuries and the costs of treatment, it has been very difficult for Nadia to maintain the “Famous Chihuahua website” she is so passionate about.

This is an open invitation to fellow chihuahua lovers and Famous Chihuahua followers to link arms together to help Nadia keep Famous Chihuahua online!

We are asking for a small $1 donation to help Nadia maintain Famous Chihuahua and keep it online!

If you love Famous Chihuahua and want to help, please show your support by clicking the donate button below.

Love and blessings, Katie Housek Peters

nadia alterio water baptism
