mia chihuahua

the amazing story of mia, the precious chihuahua born with cleft palate

i love you mama!

this is mia’s story as told by her mama, sue rogers of the mia foundation …

my precious mia was born with a cleft palate. mia had several surgeries, (all of which had failed.) although she was taken to the top universities and to the top veterinarians, she was given little hope of survival. i was told that euthanasia was best. i refused to give up on her and vowed to fight for her as long as she continued to fight.

mia was given a chance at life and even though her life was short-lived, she lived it to the fullest. mia faced many medical obstacles on her journey, but she never let it overpower her love for life. she’s inspired over 10,000 people world-wide and continues to create miracles.

sadly, mia passed away from pneumonia on april 11th, 2012. just two months shy of her 2nd birthday. her legacy lives on through the mia foundation, which was created in her honor. it was developed to give animals born with birth defects a fighting chance. mia was given a chance and in return gave so much love, hope and inspiration to people all around the world. i have come to realize that mia was sent here to help us all in whatever way possible.

mia was brought to this earth to show us courage and unconditional love. she was here to bring loving, caring people together from all over the world and to teach us all to never give up no matter what obstacles we may face. she taught us to be brave, to be strong, and to smile in the face of adversity. most importantly, to love!

i'm famous!

since her death, mia’s story has inspired people to adopt animals with birth defects that may have otherwise been overlooked or not given a chance at life and love. mia has educated thousands of people from all walks of life on how to care for a special needs animal. she has raised awareness as to, “if they are born, they deserve a chance to live!”

spread the love!

because of mia’s strength, determination, love and will to live, she has enriched the lives of countless individuals. her zest for life was unlike any i have ever seen and her tiny paw left a huge imprint on everyone’s heart. please enjoy this heart-warming video of mia’s song that was released on september 9th, 2012. composed by singer/songwriter brittany lane.

keep mia’s legacy alive and share her story with all your friends. mia has shown us all that miracles really do exist and she changed the world with just one smile! ..we love you baby mia!

follow mia on facebook!


32 Comments. Leave new

  • Emilia Michaels
    January 21, 2023 8:19 pm

    this is woundeuful storie! my dog senorr wooffers has an amputated leg due to the war and he was born with autism. We tried everything we could to give him great live. But unfortunelty later he got diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes :(. Me and my husband were behind on our billz and struggled to pay for his diebty medication. My dog is ugly but it’s ok. He was getting obeser by the day and I was scared for my little woofers. And on the morning of May 5th 2022, Senor Woofers ran away. Me and my husband were absolutly devatseted :(. We haven’t seen him since…I pray everyday that he is doing okay. That troublemaker is probably out in the streets up to no good with the gang dogs. I never had issues with him so I pray he is ok. But, great story mia!

  • What a wonderful, heartfelt, inspiring story! I have a chi that I have had for 2 yrs. and I have absolutely fallen in love with this breed! In the video, she was full of life and cute to watch as she was so playful! I know you will meet Mia over the rainbow when it is your time as well. GodBless to those who supported you through such a difficult time!

  • What a wonderful, heartfelt, inspiring story!! It brought tears to my eyes! I have a chi that is 2 yrs. old and I have absolutely fallen in love with this breed!! Good for you that you did not give up on her! I know you will meet her over the rainbow when it is your time as well…

    Denise…. God Bless to you and those who supported you…

  • So cute brought tears to my eyes. Rest in peace Mia. You are shining bright in heaven.


  • during a very difficult time in my life, mia reminded me to always have hope…to always fight…to always stay strong. mia was my inspiration at a time when I sorely needed something/someone to hold onto…this little lady gave me such strength!

  • My Chi chi just turned 5 on jan. 18 and she has a cleft palate. She is happy and healthy! She is a winning lottery ticket. I am always looking for Chihuahuas with birth defects because they are the best!

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