wednesday car2

stolen chihuahua! have you seen this chihuahua? $500 return reward!

have you seen this stolen chihuahua?

dear famous chihuahua®,

my name is diana and i am sending you my story with the hopes that your website visitors may be able to help me find my chihuahua. i just don’t know what to do or where to turn anymore and am hoping you can help me. there’s a chance that just maybe, a site visitor of yours has seen my chihuahua.

my chihuahua’s name is wednesday, but when she was a puppy, my fiance and i nicknamed her papa, which coincidentally means little potato in spanish, laughs. she responds to wednesday but family calls her by her nickname, unless of course she is about to attack our poor innocent beanbag chairs to which a sharp, “wednesday!” lets her know to be good.

have you seen this stolen chihuahua?

wednesday was born on cinco de Mayo of 2008 and was the most handsome little lady you’d ever seen. she was born to my mother’s chihuahua, tita, beautifully classy chocolate dame that was the most motherly and caring dog i’ve ever met. she reminded me of nana from the disney film peter pan. tita passed away the day before my 23rd birthday, august 15th, 2010 from heart problems. she was 10 years old.

she had been with me all throughout my teenage years and watched me turn into a young adult. i come from an abusive household. the only one that was always there for me to pick me up and dry my tears was my tita. she defended me and jumped at whomever tried to lay a hand on me. despite her size, she thought she could take on anyone.

i ran away from home when i was 16 and couldn’t take her with me but i told myself that when i turned 18, i would go back for her and i did. i’ll never forget her face. she was more excited than i was! her tail was wagging so much that her front paws would lift up off the ground! i promised her i would never leave her like that again and i took her home with me.

one day, on a play date with other dogs at the dog run, i got caught up talking to a new friend and i didn’t notice that my tita had sneaked off to a corner with her beige boyfriend, guero! alas, she was pregnant with 5 adorable little chocolate/red puppies. i gave them all to loving homes except for one of course my wednesday.

have you seen this stolen chihuahua?

wednesday loves to go to the beach. she also likes to scurry up onto your shoulder when you pick her up and view the world from up high. just like her mother, a car ride was a grand adventure that had to be experienced while sitting at the rear window. She always crawled under anything that would cover her completely and stick her tiny face out to people watch and if me and my fiance were having our alone time just cuddling close, she always had to find the tiniest gap between us and squeeze herself right in the middle. this was our family.

when tita passed away, i made her a promise, to take care of her baby wednesday to thank her for the way she took care of me. my fiance and i had just moved to california to look for jobs since it was looking rather bleak trying to find work in las vegas. his mother had invited us to stay at her house so we packed our bags, moved in and within the month found employment. we saved up for a car, a grey ’92 crown victoria with the help of our little wednesday because in march 2010, she gave birth to 3 adorable little baby chihuahuas. cream, tan and blue.

while we were moving, i left wednesday with a friend in vegas and her tan chihuahua, spike. when she returned to us, i didn’t even know she was pregnant, she barely showed! we only found out when we took her to the vet for her annual check-up. she was so tiny and i was scared i might lose her when the time came for her to give birth, but she ended up having a natural birth with no complications! i was so proud of her, and so was she.

wednesday relished showing off her pups to us. the very first day her babies opened their eyes we rushed off to the beach. we wanted their first view to be the ocean. we sold her tan and blue for $200 each and gave the cream one to wednesday’s mother-in-law, spike’s owner.

shortly after we purchased our vehicle, things became complicated at the house and we were again forced to move out.we had no one. no friends. no family. everyone was in las vegas, but our jobs were in california. we had no other choice, but to temporarily live out of our car until we could find a new place. it was just us three, our little family.

the first month was hard. every time we saved up to get an apartment, the car would break down and all our money had to go to fixing it. needless to say, it seems as if wednesday loved living in the car, and i have to admit, i began to grow a tad fond of it. my fiance worked the night shift so during the day, which is when i worked, wednesday and him spent it together. we couldn’t believe we were homeless. we actually learned that we were “mobile homeless”, since we had a vehicle and an income.

have you seen this stolen chihuahua?

we met several other mobile homeless, many who were also living with their pets. we showered at the gym, yes we had gym memberships. i know it makes for a false economy seeing as we couldn’t even afford an apartment, but we needed to shower! we took wednesday to the pet salon often. for her, it seemed like nothing but a never-ending car ride with stops at the park every day! it was a bit of a hassle, but we started to get used to it. having employment, it was a lot easier being homeless than we thought.

everything seemed okay, until one day on october 6th, 2010, our lives changed. it started off like usual. we woke up, drove to the park, walked wednesday. drove to the gym, showered. went to get breakfast and then my fiance dropped me off at work. the only thing we did different on this particular day, was that my fiance had to go to the dmv before heading back to the park like he usually did.

the dmv parking lot was full, so he parked on the street a block from it. he texted me to let me know that he had just arrived to the dmv and was going to leave wednesday in the car since they didn’t allow dogs inside. 10 minutes later, i got the phone call. after picking up a number he had gone back to the car to check up on wednesday and the car was gone! the car was gone with wednesday in it!

he called me and i excused myself from work and ran to the dmv. the car really was gone! wednesday was gone! we called the police and yelled at ourselves and each other. we thought maybe the car had been towed, but the police said no, the car was stolen. our home was stolen with our wednesday and our valuables in it. i let my tita down, her baby was stolen.

have you seen this stolen chihuahua?

to this day, the car has not been found. we put up flyers everywhere and even said that if you knew or had stolen the car that you could keep it. we just wanted our wednesday back.we checked the pound every week. we put up classifieds. we checked the pictures on seacca and petharbor every day.

i know wednesday is out there somewhere. whoever stole the car knows where she is. they must have kept her because no one has turned her in! if they didn’t keep her, they may have sold her!

please! if you are reading this and recognize my wednesday, contact me! i am offering a $500 reward for her, no questions asked. it’s all i can afford. i want to my family back! i don’t care about the car or the valuables in it, i just want my wednesday back. if you wish to remain autonomous, then please post an anonymous comment here.

i would dearly appreciate any help that your readers might be able to give us! i’m trying to put it out there as much as i can, someone has to know where she is! someone has to recognize her picture! please, whoever you are, give me my sweet little wednesday back ….

sad and sincere,

diana, little wednesday’s mommy


13 Comments. Leave new

  • Over 2 years later…and no… I never found Wednesday. there was one time that i thought she was found from an image in a local pound in paramount that I saw online so I went in to recover her…but it wasn’t her. Stacey, I’m sorry you lost your chachi, i’ll keep an eye out for a doggy with that description and contact you. cheyenne, that’s great that your doggy was at Grandma’s the whole time! i still hope to find wednesday… i cry a lot still when i think about it… i just wish i knew what happened of her… i loved and love her so much still…


  • a year later did you find wednesday? i had a teacup male chihuahua stolen day before mothers day of 2010 it is almost a year later ihave been pet detectiving all of this time think i got to stop but i cant i only had adopted chachi 3wks prior of theft, but i feel i have to keep looking not only for chachi who i miss so so much, and believe he would still know me, and probably wondering why he was taken away. we had a strong bond in short amount of time, i love that tiny little guy, he brought so much happiness, and laughter back into our lives, in those short 3 wks, chachi was aprox 10mths. at time of theft, under 4lbs, light tan, deerhead male uneuerted, teal colored collar with teal bell. so called family friendher boyfriend, brought my mom a mothers day card and walked out with a little dog, went directly to her mothers her mom wanted to adopt him days before i had for a profit she had bar customer in the market for purebred teacup chi, willing to spend over $500 up for one, a week goes by i paid a teenage boy to stake mothers home, sure enough she lets all 6 of her dogs out to potty and there was chachi, i wish i would have let him jump the fence and grab my chachi, i never dreamed what was coming, i go to her home she says or yells out the front door i do not have or little dog. i phone right from the porch sherriff,waiting for the sherriff to arrive, i phone one more time to so called friend is now called dognapper, i beg her, crying , just let me have my dog back, and we never have to speak of this again. she doesnt say a word, almost sound as if she was crying, but she never ansewered me. sherriff go through her mothers home no chachi, it had only been two days since the boy seen him in her backyard. but she already hid/sold chachi he wasnt at her house anymore. if i only had known what i know now, he would be home with me all 3 and half pounds of so much life as of now i have been pet detectiving for almost a year now. and i never would of imagined what a huge thing i had stumbled onto, “it is not all about chachi anymore”, i am still looking for him and have heard through hearsay, i had found out he had been bought sold, moved home to home 3times, and most recent hearsay, chachi was spotted, and taken to oregon. and resides with a man. i have offered rewards up to $200.00 and noone barley will/would give me anyinfo. i am almost positive that some of these people, street people as i call some of them they know either his whereabouts or somekind of info. but when a homeless person will not take money for info. but did finallywith a alot of reluctlant he toldall he knew is dog is with a man and latest hearsay chachi was taken to oregon because he was spotted. i have learned so much more details that go beyond my chachi, if anyone out there has any info. or have some advice on my search for him, please please let me know, i would so greatly appreciate as well as i could and hve helped others in locating /dogs. this story is not over but more details as more of ? dognapping underground type world unfolds thank you for reading listening to some of my stolen chachi, pet detective is so hard and i just cant stop searching …………email or phone with anything. thanks again………….stacey miller at 360-703-3915 email: [email protected]

  • I am SO sorry but remember, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Things may get worse or they may get better, but either way, you will all be together again someday. May God be with you.

  • I am so sorry for your heartache, I pray that you find Wednesday! I know how hard it is on you, so I will pray for both of you!
    Atlanta, GA

  • This story of poor lil Wednesday & her family broke my heart. I cant even Imagine what hell her owners are going through with their beloved Chi missing. Anyone who would steal a pet, Especially a FAMILY Pet, Is A Monster.
    Whoever You Are And Have Wednesday The Chihuahua Mix-CONTACT HER OWNERS AND

  • Thank you all very, very much. I truly feel we will find her soon and it is the not knowing that hurts so much! I just want to know if she is safe and not suffering. I would even like if I knew she was in heaven, anything just as long as I can just put her to rest in my heart. Thank you for your prayers, I know Wednesday is thankful as well.

  • I’m SO sorry to hear about this! Look everywhere you can , even places you’ve never thought of before. I know that a dog always knows how to get home by sniffing out the trail. My English Bulldog, Magoo, got lost once, and as we were about to leave the house and look for him, He was sitting on the porch! Pray for a miracle! I will tonight! (Sorry about the Typos, I’m only 11 years old!)

  • I am praying for Wednesday and you Diana! with all my heart

  • OMG, I’m so sorry, I’m going to pray for you tonight to find your presious Wednesday. I’m in pain just thinking about your situation and I just know in my heart that someone is keeping her safe. Even if you never get her back, like missing children you wonder if she’s OK. Well by looking at her sweet picture, I’m sure that someone out there is loving her and even if it’s not you, I’m sure that she is safe and that’s the most important thing. Prayer is powerful so I’m also asking everyone who reads this to pray for you as I will. Bless you and know that there are good people out there who care. Much love to you both!!! xoxox

  • Such a sweet and sad story! I hope you find wednesday soon….I’ll be sure to keep your all in my prayers.

  • I am so sorry to hear about your little Wednesday. .I can only imagine what it feels like to have that happen. My heart reaches out to you and I wish you the best of luck in being reunited with your chi pup.

  • this breaks my hear Diana, I so know how you feel, my chi Angel is my life, I’d die for that little girl. I hope you find her or she can get loose and find her way back home, I know I couldn’t eat, sleep or anything if my little girl was missing. I’ll be praying for you/her every night until she gets home:))))

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