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the story of mina, the brave chihuahua that took on a big black bear!

mina is a brave little chihuahua from seattle that risked her life to protect her owners. famous chihuahua thinks she deserves a medal of honor for her bravery and a lifetime supply of lovin’ from her owners sarah banach and mark brewer!

little mina’s courage is to be admired and is proof that sometimes a chihuahua’s bark is bigger than their bite!

read mina’s amazing story …

it’s a true tale of the underdog, who this time bit off more than she can chew.

sarah banach and her boyfriend, mark brewer, were camping near cle elum last weekend, with their pet chihuahua, mina.

they were hiking along paris creek when a black bear came across their path.

“from the trees this huge creature came pounding down the hill, and at first I thought it was a giant wolf,” says banach.

“by then I knew it was a bear,” says brewer. “It was only 5 to 10 feet away from us.”

chihuahuas have a reputation of thinking they’re bigger than they are, so mina starting barking, and soon the 7-pound dog charged the 200-plus-pound bear.

“the bear is growling at her and always, when she attacks, she jumps and I think that’s when he swiped her underside,” says banach. “she has a cut under here and luckily only one claw got her.”

with one swat from the bear, mina was tossed aside.

“once I saw her go up in the air and heard her yelp,” says banach. “i thought she was done and like my heart was in my stomach. i was so sad.”

“the bear glanced at us and took off,” says brewer.

the couple rushed mina to a seattle vet who ran some x-rays. after an emergency surgery and some stitches, mina is back home.

her owners have learned a little bit of courage can go a long way.

“i feel like she’s my protector, my little hero,” says banach.

story from king5.com/news/local/Chihuahua-charges-black-bear-and-survives-99442504.html


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