chihuahua lying down

7 reasons why you should monitor your chihuahua when you’re not home


for many of us, our days are spent at work worrying if our chihuahua is okay at home alone.  we wonder if they have enough food, if they’re misbehaving, if they’re barking and if they’re safe.

here are 7 reasons why you should monitor your chihuahua when you’re not at home:

  1. safety – act right away if your chihuahua faces a medical emergency
  2. health – keep an eye on your chihuahua if they have an ongoing health issue
  3. curiosity – monitor their every move to know what your chihuahua is up to
  4. training – train them better when you know their activities when you aren’t home
  5. food supply – monitor their eating habits to ensure they get enough food and water
  6. observation – catch bad habits before they become ingrained behaviors. i.e: barking
  7. love – you simply love them and want to know they are okay at all times!

pet monitor camera

start monitoring your chihuahua on your iphone, ipad or computer with vimtag’s remote wifi pet monitor camera – the device for caring chihuahua owners who want the security of knowing their chihuahua is always okay.  let it act as your eyes and ears when you’re not home.

