famous chihuahua refuses to share beef jerky video

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“step off! this beef jerky is all mine!” says teaka the famous chihuahua.

we all know our pets live for treats when it’s snack time and sometimes catching them in the moment while thoroughly enjoying their treats can be hilarious. here we have teaka the famous chihuahua munching away at her beef jerky treat when she decides to let mamma know that there’s no way she’s going to even consider sharing, so step off!

does your chihuahua get all snarly on you if given a treat and decides they don’t want to share? let us know about your funny chihuahua moment!


1 Comment.

  • Marie-Christyne
    June 5, 2009 5:20 pm

    My chihuahua did that when we gave him a bit of asparagus. It was his little treasure! He didn’t even eat it right away, he kept it near or in his mouth for about half an hour. 🙂

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