fred the chihuahua

fred the chihuahua drives a car

who is this fabulous 4-legged little stud muffin? ..introducing fred the chihuahua!

fred is the seven year old rescue chihuahua of andrew sampson and family. he was forsaken by his original caretaker in 2002 and now lives happily with the sampson family as an inspiring chihuahua actor.

fred was a natural in the making of dog drives a car. it only took 5 shots and the filmmakers were able to use the very first shot of fred doing a double take at the young girl and her cute little yorkie tinkerbell.

let fred the chihuahua pimp your ride.

it’s amazing the talent you can get in a rescue dog. remember papi the rescued chihuahua? papi was the star of beverly hills chihuahua who was a rescued by the movie’s filmmakers the day before he was scheduled to be euthanized. the message is simple, if you love chihuahuas, adopt one.


2 Comments. Leave new

  • Jessie-eileen
    April 11, 2010 4:51 am

    that video was so cute when i grow up im getting a chihuahua just like fred but it’s going to be white with light brown spots and a it’s going to be a female and it’s name is Angel.

  • Chihuahuas are the #2 breed at City shelters here in Los Angeles, please, please, tell anyone who admires your Chi and mentions they are, or know of someone looking for one, that more than we can ever imagine are looking for homes at shelters, rescues, even private adoptions.
    My 2 are adopted, and they are PRICELESS to me.
    Pass the message on, DON’T SHOP – ADOPT !
    Pooches Gracias

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