carmen famous chihuahua

meet baby carmen, a darling little chihuahua puppy from quebec canada!

brown and white chihuahua puppy

“look mama and papa, i’m famous!”

carmen is an 8 month old chihuahua puppy that lives with her mama and papa, diane and george bissonette in the beautiful province of quebec, canada.

carmen is very special to mommy and daddy.  she brings so much love and joy into their home and is a wonderful companion to their other chihuahua, sweet little rose.  the happy pair are inseparable.  they play, eat and sleep together in the same bed and in the morning, they wake up and lick each others noses.  carmen is also very affectionate and absolutely loves to be held in mommy and daddy’s arms and have her tummy tickled.

when carmen first came home to live with the bissonnettes, she was already 7 months old and was the last of her litter to be sold as she had a unique fur coat, some problems with her teeth and was very tiny at 3.3 lbs.  diane and george couldn’t believe that these tiny imperfections could make someone not want her because she turned out to be their little diamond in the rough.  to them, she is the world’s most wonderful treasure!

congratulations diane and george, your sweet little carmen is now a famous chihuahua!

is your chihuahua cute and famous in your eyes?  click here to submit their picture!


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