precious the chihuahua
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chiquita banana the chihuahua

chiquita banana the chihuahua at 9 months old after a soothing belly rub from mommy

my name is chiquita banana! i am 9 months old and i live with my mommy kari and daddy frankie in seattle, wa. i love to cuddle under the covers with them and i like to play with my bunny, pit bull and cats at home. me and the bunny have so much fun chasing each other around the house. me and my pit bull like to chase the cats all over the house and scare them.

in this picture my mommy was trying to get a good picture of me. i was having fun making it difficult for her by running around the bed, going under the blankets and not staying still, but as soon as she started to rub my belly and neck, i melted. i laid down and posed for her. my mommy was so happy when I posed for her. she gave me lots of kisses! please make me the featured chihuahua so I can make her happy and proud of me.

submit your chihuahua picture!


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  • What a cutie! I have a chihuahua named Bisquit. And looks so much like Chiquita. We are also in Seattle area! Bisquits bd is October 2008. Good luck being the famous chihuahua, you are a sweeetie.

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