famous chi chloe

meet chloe arnold, the famous applehead chihuahua from morrisdale, pennsylvania!

apple head chihuahua sleeping

“look mama, i’m famous!”

chloe is the 5 year old applehead chihuahua of paula arnold from morrisdale, pennsylvania, whose interests include eating, napping with her bff pearl and wrestling with her “love bug” pillow pet!  paula’s family adores chloe as she is a full-fledged family member appearing in their family picture!

chloe sleeps in her own spot on the couch and she loves to visit pap for daily her bite of ham.  the ladies at the bank know her by name and when chloe goes with mommy through the mcdonald’s drive thru, the staff there also know her name!  chloe is definitely a pet celebrity in her hometown!

today we are very excited to officially declare chloe a famous chihuahua with superstar status!

“are you a proud chihuahua mama?  click here to submit your chihuahua’s picture!”

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