tori chihuahua famous
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meet the hirahara family chihuahuas, cricket, hoppi and tori. 3 little angels

apple head chihuahua

“i’m a christmas miracle!”

cricket is a 14 year old chihuahua whose unconditional love keeps her alive.  she is a true christmas miracle and a blessing to the hirahara family.

cricket is special because she has had to fight off  life threatening issues in the first 5 years of her life.  twice she defeated the odds when her weak immune system made it very difficult for her to fight off infections and other diseases that healthy dogs can.

in only a few days, she was somehow able to fight off  toxicity levels in her body and become healthy again.  doctors say that there is no medical reason she is alive, except that she must have been fueled by the love of her family.  cricket is a kind and sweet dog who perseveres.

white applehead chihuahua

“i’m the king of the castle!”

this is hoppi, a 2 year old applehead chihuahua who thinks he’s the boss of the hirahara family household, so it’s fitting that he poses in his cape and crown as he truly is the king of the castle!  hoppi is also a true lap dog and will sit in your lap for hours if you let him!  he’s very kind and affectionate with people and everyone just loves him!

black applehead chihuahua

“i’m a survivor!”

tori is 10 years old and the youngest of the three.  he is special because he always shows true devotion and is both heroic and inspirational.

tori has a severe case of glaucoma and 6 weeks ago had surgery to have his left eye removed.  doctors are now trying to save his other eye, but poor tori is starting to run into objects which means his sight in his right eye is also starting to go.  it’s heart-breaking and the hirahara family is reaching out to anyone who can help educate them on how to live with and help a blind dog.

because tori endures so much pain and hardship, the hirahara family hopes they are making the right choices for him as he is a family favorite and his beautiful nature has genuinely taught them how to love.  the hirahara family lives in sacramento, california and would like to wish everyone reading this a very merry christmas and a happy and healthy new year!

congratulations rex hirahara and family, your three little angels are now famous chihuahuas!

is your chihuahua cute and famous in your eyes?  click here to send us their picture!


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