dear famous chihuahua,
i am happy to introduce you to my rescued chihuahua dauphine-bijoux bourbon. i rescued her from a pennsylvania puppy mill where they were forcing her to have litters. she is now an official upper east side princess and only eats the finest organic food and wears the best in designer chihuahua clothing!
little dauphine-bijoux is 2 1/2 years old and her favorite foods to snack on are parmesan cheese, cheddar cheese, filet mignon, organic chicken and non fat organic plain yogurt. she enjoys playing with with her little pink plush dog toy and when she is eager to get my attention or wants food, she chirps like a dolphin when they make those high pitched sounds. it is very funny!
when i first got dauphine-bijoux, she didn’t know her basic commands. i was able to teach her the sit command, but instead of sitting she will do the play pose with her two front legs on the floor and her bottom up in the air so now whenever i say “sit” she does the play pose like she is praying!
dauphine-bijoux hasn’t mastered any tricks as of yet except for knowing how to get mommy to do whatever she wants! she loves to sit on my lap and going for walks. she is also a marvelous manipulator, but she makes every day fun and lovely with her cute little antics.
my little dauphine-bijoux has brought so much love and joy into my life. i work from home as a fashion designer so i am fortunate to be able to spend every day with her. i love her with all my heart and i am so glad i was able to rescue her from a bad situation.
tamae elizabeth ishii of manhattan in new york, new york
3 Comments. Leave new
What a beauty she is. You can tell she is a happy playful girl. Saved from a doomed life. Thank You.
its so cute!
Awe, so cute!