diego chihuahua

meet diego a.k.a “the ratboy” chihuahua! … this lil’ guy is fearless!

the fearless famous chihuahua!

“ahoy daddy! …get your game on and let’s get going! ..let me at those alligators! …grrrr”

introducing diego! at 6 years of age, this lil’ daredevil from tampa, florida has no fear! his owner john mattei says diego is both his best friend and kayaking partner. diego can often be found running on the beach and swimming in the bay. he also loves going out in the chop or for leisurely paddles through the mangroves. he especially likes barking at alligators when they cruise down the hillsborough river and at the dolphins when they jump out in the bay.

congratulations diego, you’re famous!

is your chihuahua the next big thing? click here to make your chihuahua famous!


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