chihauhuas cuddling

el jefé the rescue chihuahua

eljefe the chihuahua
el jefé the chihuahua, from seal beach, california

hello world, i am el jefé the chihuahua! i am 6 months old and live in seal beach, california with my mommy kelly brooks.

el jefé means ‘the boss’ in spanish. el jefé is a brave rescued chihuahua adopted as a runt to a loving family. originally called ‘mama’s boy’, el jefé is sometimes shy of people and even his own shadow.

el jefe the chihuahua loves to cuddle with his big sister
el jefe loves to cuddle with his big sister ruca

el jefé loves his big sister Ruca, a min-pin, and enjoys his weekends running free at the huntington dog beach. he also recently discovered his own bark, which is very cute and far from ferocious.

submit your chihuahua picture!


2 Comments. Leave new

  • zita connolly
    May 5, 2010 6:33 am

    I used to have poodles but they got old and passed away. I did not do well without a dog and was very sad for a few months. I had fallen in love with chihuahuas and one finally came to me . My neighbor found him on Craig’s List, he belonged to a military female who realized she was not doing well by him as she had too many obligations. Little Jupiter (as he was called) could do many tricks, mainly lived in his cage, was reported not to cry in the crate, was very tidy, trim at 2.5 pounds, he was the runt. H now weighs 3.9, he has found his bark, he plays all day long with another 6 mos puppy named BUD. He retained his puppy teeth, and is called Chupacabra, but for short we call him CHUPI

  • Jefe is so adorable.. How old is he?? Are you selling him??..**wink**… i love chihuahuas myself.. I have a small chihuahua thats tan and its a female named tasha.. I love her so much

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