foxy famous chihuahua

meet little miss foxy raney, a beautiful tender-hearted therapy chihuahua

beautiful long-haired chihuahua

“look mama, i’m famous!”

foxy is a gorgeous long-haired chihuahua with a unique personality and beautiful fur coat.  she lives in north central florida with her mommy shellie raney, where everyone just adores her!

shelly got foxy at 3 months old at a time when she had to have emergency surgery.  she doubts that her recovery would have gone as well as it has if she didn’t have foxy.  her therapeutic presence lifted shellie’s spirits and this played a pivotal role in her healing process.

with foxy’s tender spirit guiding shellie back to health, this little chibaby has definitely proven to be a wonderful addition and joy to shellie’s family.

congratulations shellie, your sweet little miss foxy is now a famous chihuahua!

is your chihuahua famous in your eyes?  click here to submit their picture!


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