meet granola, the adorable chocolate colored deerhead chihuahua puppy!

granola famouschihuahua

chocolate deerhead chihuahua

“look mama, i’m famous!”

granola is a 10 week old deer head chihuahua puppy that weighs a mere 1.9 lbs!  she lives with her mommy and daddy in greenwell springs, los angeles.  she is very special to them because she came into the picture after someone stole their first dog, leaving them very sad and unhappy.  granola took away their sadness in their lives and filled it with unconditional love!

granola’s favorite dog toy is her mouse and she loves to play with the strings on mommy’s pajamas!  her beautiful chocolate colored fur coat makes her unique and everyone agrees she is just too cute for words!

congratulations jessica and chad leblanc, your little granola is now a famous chihuahua!  we wish you three all the happiness in the world and a happy first christmas together!

is your chihuahua famous in your eyes?  click here to submit their picture!


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