bacardi chihuahua

meet lord bacardi! … this lil’ chihuahua has a serious case of the cutes!

i love you mama!

“dear mama, i am so grateful i have your love … look, i’m famous!”

this adorable little chi-weenie belongs to rebecca maloney of palm beach, florida.  bacardi is rebecca’s loyal companion and loves his mommy no matter what!  he is a short-haired chihuahua with a very rare dual-colored black and white coat fur coat, that attracts attention everywhere they go! ..this handsome little bacardi cocktail of love can look forward to a long life of happiness, love and now super stardom!

congratulations rebecca, your little bacardi breezer is now a famous chihuahua!

is your chihuahua the next big thing? click here to submit your chihuahua picture!


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