maggie the chihuahua
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meet maggie! … this little chihuahua beauty is the queen of her castle!

i'm famous!

“look mama, i’m famous!”

maggie is a beautiful 3 year old short-haired chihuahua from missouri.  she has a sister named scarlett and lives lakeside, where she loves to sit and watch boats go by.  in order to look the queen diva that she is, little maggie must get her beauty sleep, so she naps often.  it’s a household rule that one must never disturb her while she naps.

congratulations angela wood, your queen maggie is now a famous chihuahua!

is your chihuahua the next big thing? click here to submit your chihuahua picture!


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  • Awwww she’s so cute, reminds me of my first chihuahua Buffy, got her when I was 3 yo, she lived to be 21yo….she was the love of my life.

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