maize louise mommy

a letter from maize louise the service chihuahua

maize louise the service chihuahua
little maize louise the service chihuahua on duty

hello famous chihuahua,

i am maize louise the chihuahua. i am 2 years old, and i am a service dog for my mommy. i alert her before she is going to have a severe migraine so she can take her medicine. since i am so good in public and i am certified, i get to go everywhere with her. i even got to go see “bolt” in 3d and loved watching them find his person!

maize louise the service chihuahua walks with mommy
maize louise walks with her mommy at the park

my favorite person is my mommy, her name is melanie, that’s what my daddy always calls her. these photos are of me and my mommy out for a winter walk at the park. we live in michigan so we get lots of snow. i love getting all dressed up, and i really don’t mind my booties once I get used to them. i love to go for long walks but I prefer the warmer weather. i usually make mommy carry a blanket so that if i get too cold i can snuggle up inside her coat with it.

i work really hard to make sure my mommy feels okay, and i won’t leave her alone until she takes her medicine if i think she is going to be in pain. i don’t mind sharing my house with the foster dogs and my kitty sisters, but i would really prefer to have my mommy all to myself. i am glad i could share my story with you all. i hope you will choose me to be a famous chihuahua of the day!


maize louise
the service chihuahua


3 Comments. Leave new

  • How did you get your dog certified? I suffer from awful migraines- it would be so nice to get the early alert when driving (too many near-death experiences, thank goodness I’ve never crashed!).

    I hope I’ll hear back from you soon!

  • My name is Beth. I am also a Chihuahua service dog who helps my Mom by alerting her to migraines before she feels them.

    My Mom is determined to show people that service dogs come on all sizes and aren’t just big dogs!

    Nice ta meetcha!

  • Hi Maize,

    My name is Benny. I’m also a service dog. I help my mommy with migraines too. While what a small world for us small dogs! My mommy takes her medicine and doesn’t get sick. I love my job! I get to go everywhere she does; although some folks don’t believe her when she says I’m working.

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