hello world! my name is meeka the chihuahua, i am the youngest of my family, only 13 weeks old. i have taken over the house and run all 8 of my new brothers and sisters ragged. my favorite though is peanut, he is a year and a half older than me. i love to pester him when he sleeps under the blankets, and make him growl. he still loves me though, and likes to play chase with me. i’m faster than him, and all the others except callie.
my favorite thing to do is pester the cat. mai tai is a bengal snow leopard, and really big. i chase around him as fast as I can, and nip at his tail then bark at him. he just sits there and tries to follow me by swinging his head around.
submitted by meeka’s daddy, eric schweer
Meeka you are so cute and apparently quite the little mischief maker!
Meeka will be very hard to live with after this. Thank you.