meet mini millie! the teeny tiny teacup-size chihuahua with a big heart!

millie teacup chihuahua

teacup chihuahua in tutu

“look mama, i’m famous!”

millie is a 2 lb chihuahua with her collar and chihuahua clothes on!  wowee!  now that’s mini!  millie turned a year old on october 8, 2013 and is such a sweet little girl with a huge heart!  everyone adores her and she loves to make people smile!  isn’t she just adorable in her tutu?  follow mini millie on facebook at princess millie’s milestones!

congratulations deedee shehane, your sweet little millie is now a famous chihuahua!

is your chihuahua cute and famous in your eyes?  click here to submit their picture!



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