missy famous chihuahua
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meet missy, the little chihuahua puppy that looks like a german shepherd!

german shepherd chihuahua puppy

“i’m famous!”

this is missy.  you wouldn’t know at first glance that she’s a chihuahua because she has the fur coat of a german shepherd, but if you look closely, you’ll see that she is!  missy is almost 5 months old and is the sister of chichi the famous chihuahua!  how cool is that!

missy is the darling little furbaby of kate fladrick and her partner, ebony kolasa, and the three of them live happily in hervey bay, queensland, australia.  missy is very outgoing, adventurous, courageous and her brave personality is that of a german shepherd, but her cute little button face gives way to her wonderful, crazy, happy, loving and endearing personality.

missy enjoys playing with her best friend asha, a full grown german shepherd, and she’s not at all afraid to get down and dirty at the beach or in the back yard while playing with her.  missy absolutely loves to snuggle and will always be her mommies little princess!

congratulations kate and ebony!  your little missy is now a famous chihuahua!

is your chihuahua a celebrity?  submit their picture, click here!

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