pancho villa the chihuahua

pancho villa chihuahua
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pancho villa the chihuahua

“hello amigos, i am pancho villa the cheee wa-wa! i am the chi-baby of bob hanson and debra coleman of templeton, california. this week on february 7th i am turning 14 years old! happy birthday to me!”

while little pancho loves to snuggle in his favorite blanket, he also enjoys being pet while sitting on mommy and daddy’s lap. he has a very healthy appetite, but is kept at a trim and slim 5 lbs.

pancho villa is what we like to call a ‘snowbird’ chihuahua. he travels with mommy and daddy in their motor home to warm and sunny places like palm springs during the winter months.

famous chihuahua would like to wish little pancho villa a very happy birthday and many more warm winters to come!

submit your chihuahua picture


1 Comment.

  • Hello!
    My little dog is a Chihuahua too… And his name is the same: Pancho Villa, the most famous, bad and loco Chihuahua in all Mexico.

    We have a North Mexican Food Restaurant in Mexico City and he is the image of it.

    Saludos desde Mexico, Tocayo (The same named).

    Luis and “Pancho Villa”

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