poo famous chihuahua

met poo, a super cute, lovable and talented chihuahua from maryland state!

teacup chihuahua

“look mama, i’m famous!”

here’s what makes poo the best chihuahua ever:  (according to his mommy christina)

  • he is sooooo stinking cute!
  • he is lovable with animals, people and children!
  • he only barks when he is in an extremely playful mood!
  • he listens and knows the commands “sit”, “stay”, “come” and “up”at only 7 months old!
  • he is potty trained!
  • he is truly loving to everyone!

many people have the misconception that chihuahuas are so-called “yappy” dogs – they are wrong!   poo is the most loving little chihuahua that is friendly and just loves to give kisses!   poo breaks the “yappy” stereotype and is proof that if you teach a chihuahua to be caring and loving, they will be.  chihuahuas are a product of the environment they are raised and brought up in.  show your chihuahua love and you will get it in return!  it’s that simple!

congratulations christina, is officially a fun, furry and fabulous famous chihuahua®


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