poppet famous chihuahua

meet poppet, an adorable teeny, tiny chihuahua from north devon, england!

cute famous chihuahua

“look mama, i’m famous!”

poppet is a very loving and loyal chihuahua.  her daddy suffers from a debilitating disease and poppet knows when he feels ill, not leaving his side and always staying close by his side.  she will even snuggle under his chin.  poppet has a good vibe with other animals, so much that wherever she goes, she is seen as an animal ambassador, getting along with sheep, birds, horses, and cows, just to name a few!

poppet loves people, giving kisses, and riding on mommy and daddy’s trike.  she also has a mischievous side to her and likes to dig up the garden and steal things around the house.  this is no small task for her as she weighs just over a pound at 3 years old!  poppet is a special little dog that makes everyone around her happy.  she is one in a million!

congratulations danielle, poppet is officially a fun, furry and fabulous famous chihuahua!

dog collars dog leads
