meet ren, the rescue chihuahua who was a therapeutic gift of love!

ren chihuahua2
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ren the famous chihuahua

here is the inspiring story of ren told by his mommy lisa king from lewisville, North Carolina!

ren was a birthday present from my husband for my 36th birthday! my husband found him through a colleague at work that runs a rescue mission in reidsville, North Carolina. prior to this, my husband and i had gone through difficult times and were both in a very sad place. after 2 years of asking for a little dog, my husband surprised me by taking me to the rescue mission to pick out a dog. the moment I saw little ren, it was love at first sight.

the kind folks at the rescue mission were wonderful and ensured us that all of ren’s shots and medical needs were up to date, but they were still worried about his health as he was brought to them in rough shape and his prognosis was concerning. when he was born, he was the runt of his litter and remains quite small and somewhat fragile.

chihuahua santa guides his sleigh

after bringing ren home, he immediately began to help heal the wounds that my husband and I had been suffering from. he became our form of constant happy and healthy entertainment in our home! from his silly sounds to the hilarious antics of running around on his front legs and chasing toys brought us such joy. he was and continues to be a true therapy dog.

before ren, i had lost my patra (an almost hairless sphinx cat) after 17 years of love and affection and i was grieving her loss greatly. without Ren nestling under my shirt or digging into my blanket at night, I simply don’t know how I could have recovered from that devastating loss.

ren loves everyone he meets and he greets everyone with affection. i thought chihuahuas were one owner dogs, but he has truly become the famous chihuahua in our community. we take him everywhere we go from family gatherings to local restaurants and everyone knows his name.

ren the cute chihauhua

ren is special because he has heale my husband and i of our pain. he continues to inspire us on a journey to adopt needy animals and people alike. thank you ren for your love and inspiration!

congratulations lisa, your sweet little ren is now officially a world famous chihuahua!

is your chihuahua the next big thing? click here to submit your chihuahua!


1 Comment.

  • Barbara Krawczyk
    January 7, 2013 11:00 am

    Thank you for sharing ren’s story & his great photos. ren is beautiful!! I can see how you instantly fell in luv with him. I need to have ren greet & meet me in his special luving manner. how old was he when you adopted him? now? i would luv to hear more about his antics & luving gestures & see his play friends. does he like cats? he must be one of the most popular figures in town?!! luv that! you can respond. thanks. luv, luv, luv ren!!!! yeah ren always stay by your mommy’s side (as you do) & give her all the luv & attention she needs, oh & your daddy also (cannot forget daddy). good bye for now you precious little angel. xoxoxo

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