sargent pepperchihuahua
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sargent pepper, the famous blue chihuahua from grand rapids, michigan!

blue long haired chihuahua

“look ma, i’m famous!”

this handsome little bundle of love is the adorable long-haired blue chihuahua of jenna perry.

chihuahua kyaking

“let’s go kayaking!”

sargent pepper’s personality is larger than life!  he loves to pose for the camera, bark at the neighbors, cuddle with his favorite reindeer squeaky toy, go kayaking, camping and in his spare time he brings happiness and cheer to all the people at the local nursing home.

blue long haired chihuahua

“i love you mummy!”

sargent pepper is very popular in his hometown of grand rapids, michigan, where most people know and love him and why wouldn’t they?  just look at how dashing he is!

congratulations jenna, your little man sargent pepper is now a famous chihuahua!

is your chihuahua cute and famous in your eyes?  click here to submit their picture!


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  • oh my gosh! looks just like my rango only hes a blue shorthair. I must say dont we have two of the most cutest dogs in the world. luv them so much!!!!

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