siobhan lillie chihuahua
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meet siobhan lillie! an adorable short-haired chihuahua from sacramento!

i'm famous!

“look mama, i’m famous!”

siobhan lillie is a 3 and half year old short-haired chihuahua that lives happily in sacramento, california.  she enjoys traveling with mommy and daddy to see the modern wonders of the world!  check out this fabulous picture of her in front of the golden gate bridge in san francisco!  what a great picture!  little siohban also loves to snuggle and is irresistibly affectionate making her impossible not to love!  she is just too precious for words!

congratulations tina lei bauman, your sweet siobhan lillie is famous!

is your chihuahua the next big thing?  make your chihuahua famous while you help rescue one by submitting their picture!  click here to submit your chihuahua picture!

i'm loved!

“mommy and daddy love me.”

i'm a princess!

“aren’t i stunning in my cute girl dog dress fit for a princess like me?”


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  • Hi tina lei bauman! I found you! I like pixs of siobhan lillie! She is so cute! Guess what I got a new puppy when he was 8 weeks old in June,2012. Now he will be 2 yrs old in April 14th. His name is Eli. Keep in touch!

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