spyke chihuahua
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meet spyke, a chihuahua from berlin, germany that eats like royalty!

my dream is to be a famous chihuahua model!

hi famous chihuahua®

my name is spyke and i am am a 1 year and 2 months old. i live in Berlin, Germany and eat home-cooked food my master prepares for me fresh everyday!

I love wearing chihuahua outfits and aspire to be a famous chihuahua clothing model one day. My favorite fashion brands are Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Gucci, Couture and more!

I was adopted at 10 weeks old by my master. In my previous home, i was not happy. now i am very happy and my master takes me with him everywhere!

Spyke’s master loves him very much and feels that everyday is special with spyke in his life, even when the weather is poor.

Thank you to Nadia for featuring us on her site!

submit your chihuahua picture! ..be sure to like the funnest chihuahua facebook page online


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