famous chihuahua tinkerbell
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meet tinkerbell, a puppy mill rescue chihuahua and mommy’s little angel!

puppy mill rescue chihuahua

“look mama, i’m famous!”

tinkerbell is a 7 year old chihuahua that was rescued from a puppy mill at only 9 weeks old.  today she lives a happy life with her mommy laura jones restivo and her adoring family in mabank, texas.  tinkerbell is also the ‘big sister’ to their tiny 3 lb chihuahua bunny rae.

congratulations laura, your sweet little angel tinkerbell is now a famous chihuahua!

is your chihuahua cute and famous in your eyes?  click here to submit their picture!


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  • I wish I could get mine some warm clothes — she is fat so she is too big for a medium and a large is too large– I don’t sew and I worry about her being cold– atho she comes to me if and when she is– she is mainly in the house with me and on my lap and curled around me– I had a lovely winter coat for her with a hood but she outgrew it — the tabs won’t come together anymore- drats — it was just perfect even if it was longer than her body — anybody have any suggestions?

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