featured famous chihuahuas turbo and talulah

turbo talulah chihuahuas

turbo and talulah
turbo and talulah
chalupa lovin’
submitted by adrianna riolo of nyc, ny

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  • Papa Ellnino
    July 11, 2008 7:13 pm

    My babies!
    You fur balls look just like ya mama, too freakin’ cute.
    Now, eat all your greens, get 16 hours sleep, no pulling your sisters tail turbie and quit hiding each others bones under papas pillow..
    Miss you guys!!

  • Aren’t they ADORABLE!!

  • awww….the little siblings

  • cute and lovely

  • ma & pa MASON
    July 11, 2008 4:42 pm

    Granma & granpa think you are gorgeous !! cannot wait to see you again.

    Love ya both loads (tell mama… she is gorgeous too love c & b XX

  • Those are my babies!!!

    Sleepy in the car seat after a long day at grandmas playing with the kitty cats!

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