yoko ono chihuahua
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yoko ono the camera-happy chihuahua

yoko ono, the camera-happy chihuahua

famous chihuahua is happy to introduce to its readers to yoko ono the chihuahua. yoko ono is the camera-happy, 10 and 1/2 month old chi-baby of fashion diva cassandra salnek. together they live in toronto, canada where the two of them conquer the world of fashion and blog about it at fashionvida.co.cc

cassandra tells us that no matter where she takes little yoko ono, she puts a smile on the face of every person she comes in contact with and she just loves the attention she gets from it! on her first visit to the vet, the receptionist adored little yoko and decided that she too wanted a black/tan chihuahua.

the ‘yokster’ is a playful bundle of love that spends her days running around the house playing with her favorite toy barbie doll and dancing on her back legs. her mommy says it’s the cutest thing to watch her prance around, not to mention very entertaining!

yoko ono the chihuahua loves the camera

little yoko just loves the camera and whenever anyone takes the camera out, she poses and is ready to have her picture taken. she is also a chihuahua whose mission is to serve and protect, so when she hears something at night, she makes sure to bark and let mama know. otherwise you’ll find her fast asleep in the comfort of mama’s bed and fast to become a snoring chihuahua.

yoko also loves to play tug-of-war, fetch and chasing after mommy’s hands. her best friend is cassandra’s other dog cock-a-poo. together they play tag, but cock-a-poo can never keep up to the impressive speed of the little yolkster.

cassandra tells us she loves to wake up every morning with little yoko next to her and cuddling up with her in the evenings in bed. her sweet little kisses are a great start to a new day.


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