chihuahua breed standards: official akc standard of the chihuahua breed


chihuahua breed standards

chihuahuas are characterized by the american kennel club under the toy group breed and follow these specific show standards:

general appearance – a graceful, alert, swift-moving little dog with saucy expression, compact, and with terrier-like qualities of temperament.

weight – a well balanced little dog not to exceed 6 pounds.

proportion – the body is off-square; hence, slightly longer when measured from point of shoulder to point of buttocks, than height at the withers. somewhat shorter bodies are preferred in males.

disqualification – any dog over 6 pounds in weight.

head – a well rounded “apple dome” skull, with or without molera. expression – saucy.

eyes – full, but not protruding, balanced, set well apart-luminous dark or luminous ruby.
(light eyes in blond or white-colored dogs permissible.)

ears – large, erect type ears, held more upright when alert, but flaring to the sides at a 45 degree angle when in repose, giving breadth between the ears…

read the remaining akc chihuahua breed standards and find out what you need to know to show your chihuahua in the amazing ebook, caring for chihuahuas made easy, breed information, health care and nutrition!  below is a sample page from the section on breed standards!”

chihuahua breed standards

related:  akc standard colors and markings of the chihuahua breed

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  • Is the Toy size the only standard for ChiChi’s ? I thought the breed has a miniature size.
    My dog, so the vet says is a perfect example of a Long Haired Chi-chi. He is Black with a erect ears, black legs with tan strips/feathers on all four legs. He has a mixed white/tan muzzle, black nose, white feathers in ears and a black full plume tail with white blending which turns all white down his groin. My dog is going on 5 yrs old. He is leggy, flat topline, and quite agile . I would like to start simple agility with him just to keep us busy. I have no idea where I can find equipment to start, do you have a website? or store I could contact?
    I truly appreciate you time and efforts. Tcarnes, Stockton, MO.

  • I recently rescued a Chihuahua and they had to beg me to take him. The family he was with since a pup had to surrender him after 7 years because the could not afford to care for him any longer. He was cute and really scared and all I could think about was what I heard many times about the breed……barking constantly, shaking, confrontational with people and animals and of course the nipping. Well, shame on me, I did take him because I felt so guilty just looking at his sad little face and shaking because he was scared.
    I have always had at least one dog since I was a child and they have all been amazing, BUT Iggy Pup is the most amazing little guy ever. All the things I was told were major lies !!! This little man is so amazing, he only barks when the doorbell rings and stops on my request. He is affectionate and smart and I am so happy he is mine.
    I am writing to ask why he has such a thick neck. He has folds of skin and fur like a sharpie or hound! It isn’t a problem but I was wondering if this is a normal thing or a certain trait of some branch of the breed? Thanks for your time!

  • Our chihuahua was 13 in August. just had her twice yearly exam less than 2 weeks ago at which she was given a clean bill of health. she has just recently become very nervous and scared of everything including us. won’t go in her bed or favorite spots she’s be accustomed to for years. sleeps under the bed, shakes alot and hides. she is still eating and otherwise seems okay. don’t believe anything unusual happened to her recently. she is never outside alone and goes with us in the car most of the time so she is seldom alone at all. very concerned. could it be just old age behavior?

  • Our chihuahua, Quark,, has quite a story. Weighing in at just 4.5 pounds, little quark (because he’s not quite an atom) was a rescue from Sierra highway in the antelope valley, ca. He dashed out into the road, causing two cars to swerve to avoid him. He rolled under the second car and lay there with all fours in the air. Convinced that I did not want to see a dead Chi that day, I wasn’t going to look at the carnage. But look I did and he was fine! a quick call to my husband made quark our little man for life! Ps: he’s an apple head.

  • im looking for areasonable small young (7-8 wk old) female chi. i have a male. he is lonely. please help. contact me : [email protected]

  • how can i post a profile of mi chihuahua here?

  • I just love chihuahuas. I have one that is a year old. She is the love of my life.

  • Ms. Mitchell
    May 15, 2008 4:17 pm

    Greetings. I have a 6 mth female chihuahua and reviewing the AKA standards, my little girl meets them. I’m currently located in the Tallahassee region and I want to get involed in the show dog industry. How do i start?

  • Hi Ivy, do you plan on having her as a show dog and if so does she meet all AKA standards?

    If you don’t, I wouldn’t recommend that you do anything unless its clearly a problem for her and is causing her pain in some way.

    If it’s not, then accepting her for the wonderful little puppy she is is the way to go and to see her as perfection in your eyes is all that matters.

    Editor at Famous Chihuahua

  • Hi I just recently got a chihuahua, 3 months old. Her left ear is a little bit angeled. What I should do? Is it still possible to make some immobilization for the ear? I am interested in your opinion.

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