teaka chihuahua shivering

why do chihuahua puppies shiver?

why do chihuahua puppies shiver?
teaka the famous chihuahua shivers when she feels stressed

chihuahuas shiver or tremble when they are excited, experiencing stress, frightened, uncertain or cold. shivering is characteristic of the chihuahua breed.

smaller chihuahua puppies usually have a higher metabolism and so they expend body heat faster than bigger dogs. shivering also helps to generate body heat, which is also explains why people shiver when they are cold.

it’s important to remember that if you live in a cold or wet climate, you need to protect your chihuahua when you take them outside. dress them in a sweater or chihuahua clothes to make sure they stay warm and if possible, avoid taking them out in the rain.

it is also helpful to nurture your chihuahua when they are shivering out of fear or stress. a familiar and calm voice will help to put them at ease.

at the same time you don’t want to run to them every time they shiver, rather only when it seems appropriate because you want to avoid them becoming accustomed to tending to them every time they shiver.


15 Comments. Leave new

  • We have a chihuahua and she seems like once a month and it last for a few days she goes around in circles she looks at us and she picks her paws up and down like she is walking in place what can that be can you please send me a email and let me know please if you have any ideas what it can be… TYIA….

  • I have just bought a chi puppy she’s adorable , I find she shakes when she’s excited or a bit nervous but as soon as I start playing with her and she hears my voice she’s fine

  • I started off with long haired Gizmo then got him a wife, Bella (they currently have 4 x 2wk old pups) and I also have my teeny smooth coated Bambi who sounds the average Chihuahua from your website. SHE shivers when held by anyone other than me (admittedly I’m disabled so I have mummied her), if I walk past my rotties with her (in my arms) she shivers terribly but then my big lad Beau would have her for breakfast given the chance. Its definitely nerves. We do dress her in a suitable woolly or fleece when going out and she tends to stay in my bag. Shes only 3.4lb and just been spayed as she is 6 months old and I didn’t want my stud boy, Gizmo getting to her. In my opinion she is too delicate to breed from. I Am in the UK and the vet did a perfect job needing only one stitch. He also removed 3 baby teeth which were still there and hadn’t been pushed out. The total for his work was £140 for the spay and dental. Since the vet visit she has become more of an outward playful pup.
    As for someone saying their vets being expensive in the states, they usually are in the UK but I seem to have found an amazing vet. We had a puppy born with a cleft nose/palate and the vet charged just £16 to put her to sleep. We couldn’t hand rear her by tube feeding as the vet said her palate was totally in halves. Our vet actually seems caring too with loving vet nurses. Ps I love the website.

  • my 9 week old chihuahuapuppy “chewee” shivers but im not sure if its is because of his breed, cold or scared! he is so cute .

  • I have two chihuahuas, Bridget and Fierra. They shake alllll the time. too cuute.

  • irish weather does not suit our little chihuahua reuben he was shivering this morning we were so worried we put him in a blanket and gave him a hot water bottle he looked soooooooooooo cute 🙂

  • My chi-daughter shivers when she is scared or cold. or when she is happy, she cries and shakes. so very cute. if you put her blankie over her during a strom, she will settle down.

  • I always wonder why chihuahua’s shiver too. I think they are very cute dogs but I always feel bad for them when they are so cold and shivering. I use to have a chihuahua and she was stolen after 6 years of having her as a companion poor thing I hope she is in a good home now! I miss my Blanka dog!!!

  • Our chihuahua is now 18 months old and still 3pnds! No real paperwork on her and she is VERY PRETTY black and tan and an applehead. She shakes very little and plays with my 2 jack russels even retrieving tennis balls. She acts like a big dog. We do have to watch her closely specially with other dogs and birds of prey!

  • My one year old puppy has drooling and body temp. is low and he acts real sick… he is having bowel movements in his towel we wrapped him in what do we do?

  • I am a new mommy to a chi puppy.
    Do they ever grow out of the shivering, or is it a trait they will always have?

    • chihuahuas shiver as puppies and adults, it can mean they are nervous, hungry, cold, have to go to the bathroom and even happy from excitement. just be sure to keep your chihuahua warm on those cold days when you know the shivering is because of the cold.

  • chihuahua lover
    February 8, 2009 8:28 pm

    Ahhhh! soooo cute! This website should be banned for being to cute!!!!!!!!!


  • Teaka is such a little cutie-pie. I love her little pink armchair.

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