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send us a picture of your chihuahua for international chihuahua appreciation day!

international chihuahua appreciation day may 14th

“monday, may 14th is international chihuahua appreciation day!”

on monday, may 14th, chihuahua lovers from around the globe celebrate international chihuahua appreciation day.

famous chihuahua® also dedicates this day to remembering harley, a very special chihuahua who touched the lives of thousands, if not millions.

harley was best known as a little dog with a big dream, whose sole purpose was to help raise awareness about the mistreatment of dogs in puppy mills.  sadly he passed away on march 20th, 2016, but famous chihuahua® is on a mission to help keep his legacy alive.

harley, the heroic puppy mill advocate

it is with immense pleasure that we welcome chihuahua lovers from around the globe to join us in celebrating this very special holiday by honoring harley and chihuahuas worldwide.

we are asking people to send a picture of their chihuahua holding a sign (like harley is doing in the above picture) that says either: “happy international chihuahua appreciation day!” or “happy harley appreciation day!” to the editor of famous chihuahua at [email protected]

you can also share your picture at the famous chihuahua facebook page and write with it either: “happy international chihuahua appreciation day!”or “happy harley appreciation day!”

harley, one of the most famous chihuahua's in history!

if you don’t send pictures to us, be sure to post one on your chihuahua’s social media page and share this wonderful day of chihuahua appreciation with the world!

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