harley, the rescue chihuahua that survived a horrific life in a puppy mill

harley rescue chihuahua

harley, the world famous rescue chihuahua!

this is the heart warming story of harley, the amazing rescue chihuahua who stole our hearts by winning the 2011 famous chihuahua christmas picture contest, as told by his owner and anti-puppy mill activist, rudi taylor. doesn’t harley look fabulous sporting his new famous chihuahua dog t-shirt? famous chihuahua loves you harley!

we don’t know harley’s exact age, but the vet thinks he’s about 12. until last april he spent his entire life as a breeding dog at a horrible puppy mill, living in a filthy cage, no exercise, no medical attention, no kindness from anyone. he’d never been loved.

when he was rescued by because of you chihuahua rescue in Oklahoma, harley had heart failure, his lungs and stomach were filled with fluid to the point where it was coming out his nose, his teeth were all rotten and needed pulled, his spine was fused in 2 places from arthritis, his tail was broken, his long nails had caused his toes to deform and he’d lost his left eye. unfortunately. this kind of negligence is common in puppy mills as they often clean cages with a power washer and don’t remove the dogs.

harley was clearly a ‘special needs, senior’ and could only go to a particular home, luckily that was us. our vet didn’t expect him to last 3 months, but harley kept getting stronger and healthier. he gets daily medications and we can’t let him exert himself too much because of his heart condition. we made a promise to harley that we’d do everything possible to make up for the sad life he once led and show him what it’s like to be loved. he’s the most grateful dog in the world! everyone loves him and he loves everyone!

puppy mills are terrible places. the thousands of breeder dogs are used until they are worn out (usually at approx 5 years of age), then typically killed. they never experience a kind touch. we aim to make people aware and informed about the difference between negligent puppy mills and responsible breeders.

please join us in support and volunteer for organizations like mill dog rescue, because of you chihuahua rescue and a soft place to land dog rescue so we can continue to rescue and save wonderful little dogs like our harley.

help us spread the word with a “save a life, adopt a shelter pet” dog shirt! click here!



  • You are awesome, Harley! What a great ending to an awful story. you deserve to be treated like royalty. i don’t understand how puppy mills are still in existence. and thanks to your owners for taking a senior pup with medical issues and potential mental issues. they are special, special people. keep on livin the dream, you handsome, sweet angel!


  • Julie madsen
    March 14, 2012 1:12 pm

    Happy Barkday Harley! On march 18th some friends will gather to celebrate Harley’s 1st birthday as a free dog. I encourage everyone to adopt a rescue, donate to a rescue or shelter, tell harley happy birthday or donate time, money, wish listed items in his name to a pet charity. Happy happy barkday harley

  • Harley – you are simply adorable and bring a smile to our faces every time we see your pic! You are so blessed to have found such a loving home…you deserve all the love you get 🙂

  • The story on harley is so inspirational!!! These puppy mills just make me so mad and that people have the aduacity to think its ok. I am estatic he finally found his way into loving arms and that there are still people who care. He is absolutely adorable!! 🙂

  • My sophie is a rescue dog too, just like harley, we do not know how old she really is. when we found her 8 years ago the vet said she was 4 or five years old aprox. they just left her on the streets to fend for herself when they couldnt use her anymore. she is blind and took lots of love and patience for her to trust us. makes me so mad what these places do to this innocent creatures. and despite what that they go through they have a capacity to love without reserves and learn to trust again. I wish every of them could find a loving home like yours, so many are not so lucky. we love you harley. thank you for make people aware of this.

  • thank you Famous Chihuahua for making me part of your pack! I feel so special. today I wore my collar you sent me with the bling (and holy moly) I was a head turner! i’ll get mom to take pictures of me in my new wardrobe, ‘specially those cool socks and we’ll send ’em to you. Thank you again! Love, harley

  • Donna scott
    March 1, 2012 1:17 pm

    Thanks Famous Chihuahua for helping to spread the word about cruel puppy mills.

  • Harley is an Inspiration!!! what a beautiful and precious little guy. thank God you saved HIM when you did.

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