drumroll …and the title of america’s first cutest famous chihuahua® goes to casino!

casino americas cutest chihauhua

cutest chihuahua in america

the official title of “america’s first cutest famous chihuahua” goes to … casino!

congratulations to kimberly meyer, from tiny haven chihuahuas in illinois!  her pup casino is the winner of our 2015 america’s cutest famous chihuahua picture contest!  casino’s sweet little face won america over in our 2015 voting polls!  “what a little cutie pie!”  “look at that face!”

chihuahua and mommy

another big congratulations to casino’s new adopted mommy, brenda l. sherwood from boise, idaho!  her new little baby boy is now america’s sweetheart!  what a fun, furry and fabulous surprise!

worlds cutest chihuahua

what makes casino so cute?

casino can put a smile on anyone’s face!  if you’re having a bad day, you just need some casino time!   casino runs around with so much energy and his little face is so expressive!  just look at those little beady eyes – they are definitely his best feature!  no wait, his velvet black soft fluffy coat is his best feature!  either way, this little cutie is eye candy for all!

what has casino won?

casino will receive three months of pet gift boxes filled with toys, treats and goodies from petgiftbox.com.  a customized famous chihuahua® dog t shirt will also be awarded!

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famous chihuahua would like to thank everyone who submitted their chihuahua for this contest.  it was our first year for this contest and we were blown away by how difficult it was to narrow it down to only 10 chihuahuas.  we strongly feel that every chihuahua deserves to be famous and we are honored to have received so many incredibly wonderful pictures.

if you want to see your chihuahua on our site, then click here to submit your chihuahua picture!



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